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Just how vital are your organs?

 Just how vital are    were going to come along not speaking the same
 your organs? language before you were going to ask the
  question?!’ one member of the General Medical
 … but kidney doctoring is bad Council asked a doctor.
 by Barbara Gunnell5    Unabashed, the dog now returns to its vomit.
 6    ‘The best way to address such problems would be
  by regulation and perhaps a central purchasing
1    A delicate business, medical ethics, and the system, to provide screening, counselling, reliable
 International Forum for Transplant Ethics was wise payment, insurance and financial advice,’ write the
 to observe a long period of silence on the sale of ethical experts, concluding with a flourish that
 organs for transplant after the Turkish kidney donor ‘feelings of repugnance cannot justify removing the
 scandal of the Eighties. But time is a great healer only hope of the destitute and dying.’
 (though less so if you’ve had one of your kidneys7    The logic here is a bit assailable (we could, for
 stolen), and the Forum now wants to re-examine the example, look for better ways of helping the
 rights and wrongs of rich people buying the kidneys destitute than dismantling them). None the less the
 of poor people. doctors are right that a shortage of kidneys for
2    ‘Most people will recognise in themselves the transplant is causing suffering and death - as well as
 feelings of outrage and disgust that led to an outright a substantial loss of profits, with an estimated 38,000
 ban on kidney sales … Nevertheless, we need better patients waiting for kidneys in the United States
 reasons than our own feelings of disgust … if we are alone.
 to deny treatment to the suffering and dying,’ wrote8    So what have we, the squeamish, to offer as a
 members of the Forum in The Lancet3) last week. solution? Human rights considerations militate
3    Let’s just recall the disgust and outrage that are against regularising the illicit but flourishing trade in
 not good enough reasons. A lucrative trade in the the organs of executed Chinese prisoners: livers for
 kidneys of impoverished Turks was exposed in our $40,000, kidneys for $20,000, guaranteed non-
 very own Harley Street 4). The gaff was blown when smoker lungs, etc. One might find the number of
 one poorly Turk had to carry his even more poorly executions rising uncannily.
 compatriot out of the private clinic that had9    But consider: the destitute and dispossessed, with
 purchased their kidneys for £3,000 and resold them their inadequate diets and degraded environments,
 for at least 10 times that. need both their poison filters. The rich, with their
4    Called before the General Medical Council to sanitised lives and Perrier water, can easily get by on
 defend their trade, doctors said they had thought all just one. Doctors seem confident that removal is a
 the impoverished Turkish donors they saw were simple risk-free operation. We suggest they lead the
 volunteer relatives of the wealthy recipients, who, way - make donating a kidney part of the rite of
 strangely, were Greek, Israeli, Libyan - every passage for all doctors entering private practice.
 nationality but Turkish. ‘One almost has to make an10    No cash, no ethical dilemma.
 effort to be as unwitting as this. How many Turks 
  ‘The Observer’, June 28, 1998

noot 3 - The Lancet: a British medical journal

noot 4 - Harley Street: a London street with a large concentration of private medical practices