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Magic Bullet

‘Magic bullet’ of cyanide
could kill cancer cells

   CANCER PATIENTS of the future could be   BY STEVE CONNOR
treated with a powerful “magic bullet” thatScience Editor
attacks tumours with a cyanide cocktail
derived from the cassava plant, scientists dis-   The idea is to inject the combination of
closed yesterday at the British Association’santibody and enzyme into the site of a tumour
annual meeting.and then flush the cancer with the sugar, which
   Researchers from Imperial College inwould cause cyanide to be released into the
London have devised a way of using cyanide,cancer cells.
one of the most dangerous and fast-acting poi-   Cyanide is such an effective poison because
sons, selectively to destroy cancer cells yetit interrupts the vital oxygen supply that
leave healthy tissue untouched.enables living tissues to generate energy. “It
   The key ingredient of the therapy is ansuffocates you from the inside out,” Dr
enzyme derived from the cassava plant, whichDeonarain said.
converts a harmless sugar molecule into the   Because the poison cripples such an important
poison. Scientists have attached the enzyme topart of a cell’s vital machinery, it would
an artificial antibody specifically designed toprobably be impossible for tumour cells to
target tumour cells only.develop a way of avoiding being killed.

‘The Independent’, September 7, 2000