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Improving the world

Improving the world

Václav Havel

 On March 25, 1995, President Havel of the    
 Czech Republic gave an address at Victoria only suppress and destroy whatever they could
 University, in Wellington, New Zealand. The50 not force into it. Ultimately, they had to declare
 following text contains the opening passage war on life itself and its innermost essence. I
 of the address. could give you thousands of concrete examples
  of how all the natural manifestations of life were
1    Some time ago a wise old man came to see me stifled in the name of an abstract, theoretical
 in Prague and I listened to him with admira-55 vision of a better world. It was not just that there
 tion. His name was Karl Popper. He was a world were what we call human rights abuses. This
 traveler who watched the course of the biggest enforced vision led to the moral, political, and
 war ever waged by humankind - the war un- economic devastation of all of society.
5 leashed by the tribal fury of Nazi ideology - from4    Instead of such holistic engineering, Popper
 this country, from New Zealand. It was here that60 argued for a gradual approach, for an effort to
 he thought about the state of the world, and it improve incrementally the institutions, mecha-
 was here that he wrote his most important books. nisms, and techniques of human coexistence,
 Undoubtedly influenced by the harmonious and to improve them by remaining constantly in
10 coexistence of people of different cultures on the touch with experience and constantly enriching
 islands of New Zealand, he asked himself why it65 it. Improvements and changes must be made
 was so difficult for the idea of an open society to according to whatever has proved to be good,
 prevail against wave after wave of tribalism, and practical, desirable, and meaningful, without the
 he inquired into the spiritual background of all arrogant presumption that we have understood
15 enemies of the open society and into the patterns everything about this world, and thus know ev-
 of their thinking.70 erything there is to know about how to change it
2    Addressing you on this ceremonial occasion, for the better.
 I should like to offer a few remarks on Sir Karl5    In my country one of the understandable reac-
 Popper’s thoughts. One of the targets of Popper’s tions to the tragic experience of communism is
20 profound criticism - criticism he supported by the opinion we sometimes encounter that man
 ample evidence - was a phenomenon he called75 should, if possible, refrain altogether from trying
 holistic social engineering. He used this term to to change or ameliorate the world, from devising
 describe attempts to change the world for the long-range concepts, strategic plans, or visions.
 better, completely and globally, on the basis of All this is seen as part of the armory of holistic
25 some preconceived ideology that purported to social engineering. This opinion, of course, is
 understand all the laws of historical development80 greatly mistaken. Paradoxically, it has much in
 and to describe inclusively, comprehensively, common with the fatalism Popper sees in those
 and holistically a state of affairs that would be the who believe that they have grasped the laws of
 ultimate realization of these laws. Popper clearly history and that they serve those laws. This fatalism
30 demonstrated that this pattern of human thinking takes the form of the peculiar idea that
 and behavior can only lead to totalitarianism.85 society is nothing more than a machine that,
3    I come from a country that lived for several once properly set in motion, can run on its own,
 decades under a Communist regime, and on the automatically and forever.
 basis of my own experience, I can confirm that6    I am opposed to holistic social engineering. I
35 Sir Karl Popper was right. In the beginning was refuse, however, to pour out the baby with the
 an allegedly scientific theory of historical laws; it90 bath water and I am a long way from thinking that
 was Marxist theory and it subsequently gave rise people should give up altogether on a constant
 to the Communist utopia, the vision of a paradise search for ways to improve the world in which
 on earth. That vision eventually produced the they must live together. It must be done, though
40 gulags, the endless suffering of many nations, they may never achieve more than partial im-
 the endless violation of the human being.95 provements in particular areas, though they will
 Anything that in any way opposed the Com- always have to wait to see whether the change
 munist vision of the world - thus calling that was the right thing to do, and though they must
 vision into question or actually proving it wrong - always be prepared to rectify whatever life has
45 was mercilessly crushed. Needless to say, life, shown to be wrong.
 with its unfathomable diversity and unpredictability, 
 would not be squeezed into the crude 
 Marxist cage. The guardians of the cage could100 ‘New York Review’, June 1995