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Joe Rogaly

Demonstrate for freedom
to save the earth

1    Picture a cartoon figure    ret Thatcher.    strategy at the time.
 walking the streets and6    For millions of years, the11    The CND marchers were mis-
 proclaiming that the end former prime minister reminded115 taken. They thought that humankind
 of the world is nigh.60 me once, the population of the would blow itself up. It did
5 What would you do? Most of us world was under 1bn. “We had not, perhaps because of the
 would avert our eyes or point all the carbon fixed down in the stalemate that unilateral dis-
 and smile. We should pause. The earth as coal, oil, peat, gas,” she armament would have broken.
 posters strung across his or her went on. Then the coup the12120    But others who engaged in
 drooping shoulders may be65 grâce. “We have now gone up... street theatre to further a cause
10 telling the truth. to nearly 6bn over a matter of have been proved right. The
2    The human species may indeed about 150 years, and all of the suffragettes are one example, the
 be destined to self-destruct. In carbon that has been down there tree-huggers who tried to ob-
 some moods we think the ques- for millions of years is in a125 struct the building of a highway
 tion is not whether our world70 matter of decades being put up around Newbury in Berkshire
15 will come to an end, but when. there.” Her hands fluttered sky- another. The battle of Newbury
 At least the carrier of the sand- wards. She was in office at the was lost. The Salisbury by-pass
 wich-board will have warned us. time. She might have done more in nearby Wiltshire was cancel-
3    That is why we should hesitate about it.130 led. You never can foretell the
 before kicking Greenpeace.775    What is the likely effect of so long-term effect of any demon-
20 True, this sometimes irritating heavy an injection of carbon stration.
 non-governmental organisation dioxide into the air? Adverse.13    Prudent corporations realise
 - NGO in the jargon of the The mountain of scientific opi- this. That is why they are hiring
 trade - has become the awkward nion accumulates on paper and135 cunning advisers to plan their
 squad of the environmental mo-80 on-line. If Greenpeace ever ends defences. Counter-demonstration
25 vement. Its activists may have up in court we might witness the consultants have begun to send
 been wrong-headed to target clash of business vs NGO and in calling-cards, offering presen-
 British Petroleum. They were try to work out who is right. tations on how to respond to
 certainly brave - and I am not8    That would, however, be an140 NGO campaigns.
 talking about the risks inherent85 unscientific process. Both sides14    This boils down to three possi-
30 in seaborne activist demon- could win, and both might lose. bilities: bamboozle the media, or
 strations. For BP is dangerous. It That is what happened when go to court, or use a judicious
 bites back. McDonald’s accused of dama- mix of both.
4    Worse, it removes its teeth ging the environment, sued for15145    Hassled by animal rights de-
 first. A few days ago it sued90 libel, although its adversary was monstrations? Try the anti-
35 Greenpeace for £1.4m for a few penniless individuals, not stalking law. Roads protests?
 occupying its Stena Dee test- an organisation. The company Look to the legislation on secon-
 drilling rig in the North Sea. won, but can we say that its dary picketing. In the US, 14
 Hallelujah! The autumn head- image is what it was?150 states have adopted “food dispa-
 lines were predictable. “Big Oil995    This is an outcome that some ragement” acts, which bar nega-
40 vs the brave eco-warriors” per- of us can bear with equanimity. tive comments about perishable
 haps? I never could compose In a democracy there should be comestibles. These bans amount
 headlines. Then BP offered an room for direct-action cam- to a protection racket for far-
 out-of-court settlement: stop paigns, if only to stimulate media155 mers and commodity merchants,
 harassing us and we will not100 or parliamentary debate. Future following the powerful anti-
45 bankrupt you. The action moved disturbances are likely to incon- green alliance between loggers
 from the rolling seas on the front venience corporations rather and right-wing congressmen.
 pages to the media backwaters. than governments, because it is16    It is curious that such a curtail-
 That is where Big Oil wants it. the private sector that usually160 ment of free speech is acceptable
5    Leave aside the dubious105 has the most direct influence on to so many Americans. We
50 merits of this week’s particular what happens to us. may regard this as yet another
 case. The Stena Dee might or10    Seen this way, Greenpeace indication of the change in the
 might not be worth fighting a- no worse, and no more wrong, balance of power between elec-
 bout. Global warming, the than was the Campaign for Nu-165 ted representative institutions
 greenhouse effect, is a serious110 clear Disarmament during the and free-ranging capitalist orga-
55 matter. On this I am a believer, Cold War. It tried to influence or nisations. Now, where did I put
 irrevocably converted by Marga- topple governments, a suitable that sandwich-board?

‘Financial Times’, August 23,