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So early cannibalism was all about vegetables?

 ROBIN McKIE   75 less advanced nature’ of    not produce crop surpluses
 reviews their opponents. available for redistribution or
 GUNS, GERMS AND STEEL:5    Yet genetics provide little storage, they could not support
 A SHORT HISTORY OF evidence for this implicit130 and feed non-hunting craft
5 EVERYBODY FOR THE LAST racism. There are few meaning- specialists, armies, bureaucrats
 13,000 YEARS by Jared Diamond80 ful differences between the and chiefs.’
 Jonathan Cape £18.99, pp48O innate abilities of the world’s10    Thus the Morioris were
  peoples, though the notion of doomed. And on a larger,
1    On 19 November 1835, a racial superiority remains se-135 equally unforgiving scale, so
 boat carrying Maori ductive. As Jared Diamond says: were civilisations that evolved
10 tribesmen - the vanguard of an85 ‘Until we have some convincing, away from farming’s birthplace,
 invasion force of almost 1,000 detailed, agreed-upon expla- the nurturing ground of the
 warriors - landed on the nation for the broad pattern Middle East’s Fertile Crescent.
 Chatham Islands, a remote of history, most people will140 Of course, agriculture did devel-
 archipelago, 500 miles east of continue to suspect that the op elsewhere (China, the An-
15 New Zealand. The local Moriori90 racist biological explanation des, West Africa and New Gui-
 people were now slaves, they   nea, for example), but these re-
 were told.  gions lacked the rich variety of
2    The invaders were outnumbered 145 Middle Eastern crops: wheat,
 two to one. But the Morioris  barley, lentils, peas, and flax.
20 were a peaceful, simple 11    Similarly, Eurasian peoples
 people who decided to sub-  inherited many more domes-
 mit, and to proffer friend-  ticable wild mammalian herbi-
 ship and half their resour- 150 vores - dogs, sheep, goats, pigs,
 ces. The newcomers took no  cows and horses - than did the
25 notice, and abruptly set  rest of the world. As a result,
 upon the Morioris with guns,  land that once supported only
 clubs and axes. Hundreds  dozens of hunter-gatherers, now
 were slaughtered, many being 155 fed thousands. Stores needed
 cooked and eaten. The rest  bureaucrats, and fields required
30 were enslaved, only to be  armies for protection. Wheels
 executed at the whim of  were invented and horses were
 their conquerors.  yoked to chariots - though we
 ‘Not one escaped,’ recalled 160 ‘gained’ more than mere
 one Maori.  martial advantage from domes-
35 ‘Some ran away, those we  tic animals, says Diamond. We
 killed, others we killed -  also acquired measles, tuber-
 but what of that? It was in  culosis, smallpox and malaria
 accordance with our custom.’ 165 microbes which were once
3    This grim ‘custom’ is not new, is correct after all.’ pathogens of cattle, pigs and
40 of course. The bloody acquisi-6    Hence Guns, Germs and Steel, chickens.
 tion of food and territory has a book of extraordinary vision12    These were ‘Europe’s sinister
 been repeated like a malignant and confidence which seeks, gift to other continents - the
 mantra for millennia. Maori95 with considerable success, to170 germs evolving from
 eradicated Moriori, Spaniard demonstrate how environ- Eurasians’ long intimacy with
45 subjugated Inca, and Bantus mental factors created our domestic animals.’ It was a
 became African overlords. In modern world of affluent deadly combination, as we can
 the process, we have created an Americans and impoverished see from the fate of the Incas.
 absurdly lopsided world in100 Ethiopians, the fate of the13175    Guns, Germs and Steel is
 which West European cultures Chatham Islands being history scrubbed clean of its
50 now dominate the planet’s particularly illustrative. idiosyncratic participants:
 resources. But why? How did7    As Diamond says: ‘Moriori Alexander the Great, Lenin,
 this global inequality come and Maori history constitutes a Buddha and the rest, an
 about? Why did Maori van-105 brief, small-scale natural exper-180 omission for which Diamond
 quish Moriori, and not the iment that tests how makes no apology. Instead, he
55 other way round? Why did the environments affect human has tried to create a discipline
 Incas not invade and colo- societies’. based on science, rather than
 nise Spain?8    For a start, the Morioris and humanities, and has backed his
4    Most historians respond in110 Maoris were both recent185 bid with an impressive know-
 terms that stress - either descendants of the same sea- ledge of molecular biology,
60 specifically or tacitly - faring people. Neither had time evolutionary theory, plant
 some kind of innate supe- to diverge biologically, showing physiology and sociology. The
 riority: Assyrians’ vigour that the seeds of the Morioris’ result is a prodigious, con-
 or Romans’ tactical bril-115 destruction did not reside in190 vincing work, conceived on a
 liance. Such explanations their genes, but elsewhere. And grand scale, and thoroughly
65 only beg further, more uncom- Diamond knows where. executed, perhaps a little too
 fortable questions, of course.9    ‘Those ancestral Maoris who thoroughly. Certainly, the book
 Why did Romans and Assyrians, first colonised the Chathams is thick with detail, a history
 and for that matter British120 may have been farmers, but195 that is still ‘one damn fact after
 colonialists and Nazi expan- Maori tropical crops could not another’ - though in this case,
70 sionists, possess this socal- grow in the Chathams’ cold they are damn interesting facts.
 led ‘vitality’ and ‘brilliance’? climate, and the colonists had 
 Subsequent responses invariably no alternative except to revert ‘The Observer Review’,
 descend into claims about the125 to being hunter-gatherers. Since April 13, 1997
 ‘primitive evolutionarily as hunter-gatherers, they did