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Teachers urged to shut up

urged to
shut up

IT is time for teachers who say
“Stop it” to stop it. And those
who try to keep order with the
command “Shut up” should shut
up, writes Judith Judd.
   Classroom language, it seems,
does not always get the attention
it deserves. Teachers who use
attention-drawing demands such
as “Girls!”, “Sandra!” or just
“3C” should expect chaos to
continue, according to a booklet
issued today by the Association
of Teachers and Lecturers which
offers guidance on discipline.
   A string of commands, threats
and demands is much less likely
to end disruption than a firm
signal that behaviour is
unwanted, with a reminder of
known rules. So a teacher should
say “Rulers aren’t for fighting
with” or should warn of the
consequences of bad behaviour -
“Someone will get hurt if this
equipment is lying there.”
   Chris Watkins of London
University’s Institute of
Education, warns teachers not to
make derogatory personal
comments about their pupils.
“Timothy, stop being childish and
give Rosemary her ruler back,” is
counterproductive because it
builds up resentments. Instead,
the teacher might say: “Timothy
you’re quite able to get on with
your work, so return Rosemary’s
ruler and let her do the same.”
He also says teachers should
control their desire to react
angrily to aggression by counting
to 10 before responding.

‘The Independent’,
February 13, 1998