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All things must pass

Remembering a Beatle … guitarist Eric Clapton at the Royal Albert Hall

All things must pass

   sitar solo, and ELO’s Jeff Lynne joins her for
Popa gorgeous version of The Inner Light.
A Concert For GeorgeThe second half features a band led by
Alexis PetridisLynne and Eric Clapton, bashing out his bestknown
songs with celebrity guests.
A huge portrait of George Harrison stares outThe ensemble rampage through a
over London’s Royal Albert Hall. He looks acacophonous Wah Wah, a bitter song, written
bit fed up. Never the sunniest Beatle, heafter Harrison stormed out of a Beatles’
often looked like that in photographs, but it isrehearsal, accusing McCartney of patronising
interesting to speculate what he would havehim by telling him how to play a solo. But
made of this event. On one hand, he virtuallynow McCartney is pounding at a piano, stage
invented the superstar charity gig with theright, a sideman on a Harrison masterpiece
1971 Concert for Bangladesh. On the other,about how ghastly life in The Beatles was.
he was intensely private, suggesting theIt’s hard to suppress the sort of sardonic
public mark his passing by meditating.chuckle that Harrison frequently used when
Harrison would certainly have enjoyed thediscussing his “nightmare” time as a Fab –
music specially composed by Ravi Shankar.and conclude that’s what George would have
A tiny, frail figure, Shankar sits onstage,wanted.
nodding as his daughter Anoushka plays a

Guardian Weekly