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Little women


Little women

 By Katherine Knorr
1    PARIS - When Calvin Klein was criticized last    
 month for an ad featuring small children in 
 underwear, it wasn't just more of the outrage 
 that has greeted so many disturbing fashion 
 images - notably skeletal models in tiny undies. 
2    The marketing of clothes - some of them pretty 
 raunchy - to children and pre-teens raises all sorts of 
 issues about what clothes "mean" and about the 
 influence of the vast network of popular culture 
 salesmanship. It is ironic that, as fashion enters 
 the third millennium, clothes for grown-up women 
 have become positively genteel, with the twin set 
 seeming ubiquitous and even the bad Brits toned 
 down. It seems the real fashion victims now are 
 Lolita's age. 
3    Fashion is so self-referential and its cycles are 
 so short that a lot of the "content" of fashion has 
 disappeared; nothing today has the political impact 
 of '60s near-nudity, or shirts made out of the 
 American flag. Bra burning? Huh? 
4    Fashion no longer tells us women are becoming more 
 independent or men are getting in touch with their10    IF CLOTHING has lost its "guild" breakdown - if it no
 inner child. longer separates the blue and the white collars, the ghetto
5    And fashion, dipping into the world of uniforms and the country club - it has not lost its power to disturb
 and utilitarian clothing, blurs class lines in a when it blurs the line sexually. The decadent pictures of
 dizzying way: expensive ready-to-wear drawn from willfully androgynous models, of anorectically thin and
 ghetto threads; sportswear morphed into evening sickly young models, of "heroin chic" - none of which has
 clothes; Casual Friday vs. the suit. And of course gone away despite lots of noise to the contrary - seem to
 middle-class teens dressed in their own sad rags have paved the way toward breaking the ultimate taboo:
 uniforms: think back to the farmboy look, which children.
 horrified so many American parents in the late 1960s11    This isn't selling Barbie dolls, this is selling the
 and early 1970s, who had grown up on Depression- Barbie doll look to girls in grade school. At the same
 era farms and fled them for college degrees and time as Barbie herself turns 40 and is being reissued
 serious desk jobs, and could not understand why with a more realistic body, we're remaking little girls
 their children started wearing baggy overalls and into disturbing erotic figures.
 baggy T-shirts and looking pretty much like the12    It's difficult to judge how much of this tacky
 Beverly Hillbillies. costume party is harmless, just more of the waves of
  popular culture that we can't, after all, do anything
6    ALL THIS makes sense in societies with soaring about.
 stock markets where the social fabric is money.13    There is an argument that the reason only adults
 In fashion the social fabric is just that, fabric. are shocked by these things is that kids have an
 All of us in this way invent ourselves like Jay elaborate but complicated relationship with truth and
 Gatsby, with, one hopes, better results. In that fiction that allows them to put on faces and costumes
 sense, fashion helps to create some kind of melting without absorbing the associated behavior. They can
 pot. play cowboys and Indians without becoming killers
7    When it comes to children, however, what fashion and they dress up as showgirls just as they would dress
 "means" does become more prominent. An 11-yearold as princesses.
 wearing come-hither clothes isn't in the same14    Maybe it is, after all, just the old game of putting on
 position as a 25-year-old. She is being used, in what Mom's clothes - except it's hard to believe Mom
 would seem the most cynical way, to sell not only would ever wear these clothes.
 clothes but synthetic popular music groups and gooey15    Once upon a time, before the sexual revolution and
 animated movies. the Me Generation, school uniforms or smocks served
8    The only real customers for the extraterrestrial laudable purposes: they protected street clothes, they
 floozy look of the Spice Girls or the irredeemably made children look studious (this is actually useful, in
 commercial tie-ins of those movies are little girls. a clothes-make-the-man kind of way), and most
 Clothes catalogues sell skintight two-piece outfits (bra important perhaps, they avoided keeping-up-with-the-
 and pedal pushers) advertising the boys band 2 Be 3 (the Joneses clothing competitions.As fashion recycles the
 Chippendales for the pre-teen set) to 10-year-olds. The greatest hits of the last 50 years, it's high time for a
 boys in the band are barechested. The little girl models comeback: Call it the Return of the Nice Kid.
 strike alluring poses. 
9    Marketing to little people is nothing new, of course, and KATHERINE KNORR is a deputy editor of the
 Saturday morning American TV early on specialized in International Herald Tribune.
 telling children to tell their parents what to buy. But 
 the marketing of clothes is something else. 'The International Herald Tribune'