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Tekst: Bringing science into the clinic


Bringing Science into the Clinic

 An accreditation program could help bring better treatments to patients
 The high cost of health care is no secret.
 Revamping clinical psychology could be
 one way to make the system more efficient
 - while also helping psychologists better
 serve their patients, according to a recent
 report from the Association for
 Psychological Science. The report details
 an accreditation system that has been in
 development for two years, which will
 certify training programs that focus on
 scientifically validated treatments and
 instruct their students in the scientific
 method. The system would also create a
 "seal of approval" to show prospective
 patients that a psychologist received such an education, the report says.
     "Many of the people being trained today aren't trained to understand and
 apply science to patients out in the real world, so patients aren't getting the
 treatments most likely to help them," says Timothy Baker, a psychology
 researcher and professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin−Madison
 and co-author of the report. Clinical psychology continues to depend on
 outdated, ineffective strategies of diagnosis and treatment - and surveys show
 individual practitioners often value their own experience or a "hunch" over
 scientific evidence, ultimately hindering their ability to effectively help patients.
 "We're simply not taking advantage of what is known in scientific research,"
 Baker says.
     With a stronger scientific background, psychologists not only will be able to
 better choose treatments for patients and gauge therapy's effectiveness, but they
 also could become "more sophisticated users of psychological research," Baker
 notes. "They'll contribute to research and improve treatments."
 −Allison Bond