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The Economist

The Economist, 2010 Business
Schumpeter | Mens sana in corporation sano¹
     familiar things such as exercise and
  healthy eating. But it also screens
  people for psychological well-being,
  and offers advice on "optimising
  performance" and "staying positive
  under pressure". Focusing on their
  stars makes sense for companies. The
  stars not only represent huge
  investments. They are also most likely
  to live under stress while maintaining a
1     ANNUAL check-ups and company stiff upper lip. But focusing on stars
 "wellness programmes" have become a also makes sense for the mental-
 familiar part of the corporate wellness movement itself: the best way
 landscape. More than half of America's to insert yourself into a company's DNA
 larger companies offer advice on stop- is to seduce its leadership.
 ping smoking and fighting flab. More6     What should one make of the
 than a third have gyms. Some have corporate world's new-found interest in
 rechristened their canteens as "nutrition promoting mental health? For sure,
 centres". IBM is among a growing band depression and anxiety can take a
 of companies that offer workers serious toll on productivity, and
 financial incentives (such as cheaper companies bear their share of the
 medical co-payments) to encourage blame for promoting stress in the first
 them to lose weight and exercise place. And catching psychological
 regularly. AstraZeneca has installed problems early can prevent them from
 treadmills in its offices so workers can escalating. BT reports that its
 exercise their legs, albeit gently, while programmes have reduced levels of
 holding meetings. sickness absence due to mental-health
 PricewaterhouseCoopers provides problems by 30%. This all sounds
 massage and yoga sessions. promising. But there are nevertheless
2     Companies are now also starting to several troubling aspects.
 touch on a potentially troubling area:7     The first worry is that promoting
 their employees' mental health. psychological wellness crosses an
 Companies as diverse as BT, Rolls- important line between the public and
 Royce and Grant Thornton have the private, raising awkward questions.
 introduced mental-health programmes. Should companies pry into people's
 These range from training managers to emotional lives? Can they be trusted
 spot problems to rehabilitating those with the information they gather? And
 suffering breakdowns. A growing should psychologically frail workers put
 number of boutique consultancies such their faith in people who work primarily
 as Corporate Psychology and Mental for their employers rather than in their
 Fitness are also offering to improve personal doctors? Workers rightly worry
 workers' mental well-being. that companies will use psychological
3     The fashion is being driven by information in their annual appraisals.
 simultaneous developments in two And that bosses will see the trend as
 usually distinct areas - health care and an excuse for extending their power
 management theory. Doctors report over staff - using the veiled threat of
 that more than a third of the physical somehow being classified as mentally
 problems they encounter have some impaired to make them obey, and
 psychological basis. Management conform.
 gurus are also discovering the8     A second worry is about the [id:96431]
 joys of psychology. Business of the mental-wellness movement. A
 professors have taken to littering phrase like "mental fitness" is bound to
 their texts with references to "toxic attract charlatans and snake-oil
 organisations" and "emotional salesmen. Warren Bennis of the
 contagion". Several psychologists University of Southern California has
 have become influential gurus in their noted that the new "science" of
 own right. Daniel Goleman of Rutgers neuroleadership is "filled with
 University sings the praises of banalities". Other people are less
 "emotional intelligence" in the complimentary.
 workplace. Steven Berglas, a9     The biggest problem with the
 psychiatrist turned management movement lies in the assumption that
 professor at UCLA, offers advice on promoting psychological wellness is as
 how to "reclaim the fire" after burnout. axiomatically good as encouraging the
 There is even a new business physical sort. It is one thing to help
 discipline, neuroleadership, that people deal with serious problems
 promises to use brain science to when they crop up. It is another to try to
 improve senior management. promote something that cannot easily
4     Both doctors and gurus can quote be defined, let alone managed. Few
 some compelling statistics. The would doubt that good physical health
 Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health makes for good productivity; but it is
 estimates that a sixth of the British not self-evident that a positive mental
 workforce suffers from depression or attitude is good for a worker or his
 stress, and that mental ill-health costs output: history shows that misfits have
 British employers almost $26 billion a contributed far more to creativity than
 year. American research suggests that perky optimists have done. [id:96432] ,
 "presenteeism" (whereby the walking curmudgeonliness² is a rational way to
 wounded turn up to work without cope with an imperfect world, rather
 contributing) costs twice as much as than a sign of mental maladjustment (or
 absenteeism. so your occasionally curmudgeonly
5     So far this trend has been most columnist would like to believe).
 marked in the upper ranks of firms. Companies that chase the will-o'-thewisp
 Grant Thornton sends its partners on a of "positive attitudes" may end up
 two-day programme put on by Positive damaging themselves as well as
 Health Strategies, a London company. sticking their noses where they have no
 Some of this programme deals with business.

noot 1 “Mens sana in corporation sano” means “a healthy mind in a healthy corporation” and is a pun on the Latin proverb “Mens sana in corpore sano,” which means “a healthy mind in a healthy body”.
noot 2 curmudgeonliness: sikkeneurigheid