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Methuselah’s mixture

  associated with a low-level, chronic
 inflammation of many of the body’s
 tissues, for instance. Insulin, a
 hormone that regulates the
 metabolism of glucose, also crops
5     Most intriguing of all is something
 that scientists have known for
 decades: feeding near-starvation
 diets to laboratory animals such as
  mice and fruit flies can extend their
 Anti-ageing research lifespans by 40% or more, and
  improve health along the way. If

Methuselah’s mixture

 those results translated directly to
  humans (and there is some
 The Youth Pill: preliminary evidence that fasting may
 Scientists at the Brink of confer benefits in people), then the
 an Anti-Ageing Revolution. human lifespan could reach 150
 By David Stipp. years. Many explanations have been
  offered and discarded. Production of
1     FOR as long as people have been the harmful chemicals that are a
 growing old, they’ve been wishing side-effect of respiration, might be
 they didn’t have to. The “Epic of reduced, for instance, or there might
 Gilgamesh”, one of the most ancient be a lowering of blood-sugar levels,
 works of literature, chronicles the which seems to have a variety of
 eponymous hero’s quest for eternal health benefits.
 life. Most religions offer an6     Instead, Mr Stipp propounds a
 attenuated version of [id:96418] in which relatively new theory that low-calorie
 the soul endures even after the body diets activate genes designed to help
 has died. Medieval alchemists hunted animals endure hard times, which
 in vain for the rejuvenating boost cellular repair mechanisms.
 Philosopher’s Stone; industrial-age There is evidence that almost all
 quacks got rich off their patent elixirs. animals, including humans, may have
 Today, cosmetics companies dance a similar suite of genes. Proponents
 around truth-in-advertising laws to of this theory are searching for drugs,
 imply that their creams and lotions so-called “calorie-restriction
 can keep the years at bay. mimetics”, that can produce these
2     Yet for all the gloomy fascination effects without requiring aspiring
 that surrounds ageing, precious little centenarians to endure 100 years of
 research has been done into its non-stop dieting. Several firms have
 causes. The question of why we grow been set up to capitalise on the
 old and die still divides evolutionary findings, in the hope of developing
 biologists. Strictly speaking, ageing and selling pills that grant longer,
 does not seem to be inevitable. After healthier lives.
 all, both cancer cells and some very7     The book’s tone is refreshing,
 simple forms of life appear highly although its occasional passages of
 resistant to the passage of time. And lazy journalese can be jarring.
 while we know plenty about the Mr Stipp is clearly enthusiastic about
 consequences of ageing, we know the possibility of life extension, and
 much less about the exact biological he mostly manages to avoid the
 processes involved. The little interest breathless prose that mars so much
 shown was until recently limited to reporting on the subject. Hype is an
 quacks and cranks, leavened with the occupational hazard of anti-ageing
 occasional iconoclastic scientist research. There is a great temptation
 (such as Peter Medawar, a brilliant (rising with age) to inflate small
 British zoologist) with a reputation advances into the idea that serious
 strong enough to survive developing life extension, or even immortality, is
 an interest in a thoroughly just around the corner. It isn’t. But
 disreputable field. the discoveries of anti-ageing
3     In the past couple of decades that researchers suggest that some
 has begun to change. Improvements modest improvement in life
 in technology, particularly the ability expectancy, and a big reduction in
 to sequence DNA quickly, have made the diseases of old age, are indeed
 the serious study of ageing possible. pharmaceutically possible. Ageing,
 All this is carefully chronicled in “The reckons Mr Stipp, is on the verge of
 Youth Pill” by David Stipp, a former becoming a respectable subdiscipline
 medical writer for the Wall Street of medicine. That would be
 Journal and an able guide to this quite enough to constitute a
 young science. His book draws revolution in its own right.
 readers down the blind alleys and8     The final part of the book is
 experimental dead ends that are an philosophical, and considers whether
 inevitable part of [id:96420] , as well as extending lifespan is something
 explaining the advances that have worth aiming for. Some religious
 been made and the hunches that led leaders and self-appointed sages
 to them. have offered a variety of portentous
4     Plenty of progress has already reasons for embracing decrepitude
 been made. Genes have been found instead of fighting it. Happily,
 that boost the lifespans of laboratory Mr Stipp has little patience for such
 animals by 30% or more, and homilies, and demolishes them
 research into the mechanisms of convincingly.
 ageing has fingered some tantalising 
 leads. Ageing seems to be    The Economist, 2010