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Surviving history

The Hidden Life Of Otto Frank
by Carol Ann Lee
Reviewed by Walter Reich

Otto Frank with his daughters Margot,
left, and Anne

    of the pectin sales to the Germans -
  “kept his silence.”
  7     But the most protracted period of
  payoffs, Lee suggests, took place in
  the 1960s, after Otto had become a
  public figure as a result of Anne’s
  diary. However, a more important
  dimension to Otto’s life, and one that
  had a direct bearing on Anne’s diary,
  was the way in which he edited it and
  shaped its career. Lee shows how
  decisions that Otto made about editing
  the diary, finding a publisher, arranging
  for foreign translations, and having it
  turned into a play and a movie,
  determined how Anne’s story would be
  told. Otto’s sense of himself as an
  assimilated Jew likely affected these
  decisions, as did his sense of what
  should be said by and about Anne.
 8     In editing the diary Otto removed
  some of Anne’s critical comments
1     In The Hidden Life Of Otto Frank, the about her mother and some of her
 first biography of Anne Frank’s father, references to her own sexuality. He
 Carol Ann Lee offers us a scoop: the also diminished, somewhat, her focus
 name of the man who, she says, told on her Jewishness. But it was in his
 the Germans where the Frank family choice of writers for the stage
 was hiding during the Holocaust. But adaptation that he most significantly
 buried behind the scoop is an account distanced Anne from her Jewish roots
 of how Otto shaped and in some ways and leached from her story the dark
 distorted Anne’s story and her public themes that, in the diary, were plainly a
 image after her diary was found. part of it.
2     First the scoop. Who betrayed the9     He chose Frances Goodrich and
 Frank family? Based on archival Albert Hackett, Hollywood
 research and interviews, Lee has screenwriters whose credits included
 fingered Anton Ahlers, a thuggish It’s A Wonderful Life. Not surprisingly,
 Dutch Nazi and violent anti-semite, and they crafted a sentimental and upbeat
 said that he probably did it for the play. And the play’s director, Garson
 reward the Germans were giving to Kanin, wanted Anne’s focus on Jewish
 those who turned in Jews. suffering to be translated into human
3     In the course of writing about Ahlers, suffering in general. Lee notes that,
 Lee also tells us about his relationship under Kanin’s direction, “almost all
 with Otto. It turns out, according to references to Jews and Jewish
 Lee, that Ahlers, a chronic blackmailer, suffering were erased.”
 victimized Otto repeatedly. One of10     With regard to maximizing the
 these occasions was in 1941, after the audience for Anne’s story and making
 Germans occupied the Netherlands but it universally embraceable, at least in
 before the Franks went into hiding. He those early years after the Holocaust,
 showed Otto a letter to Dutch Nazi Otto’s instincts may have been right.
 Party officials in which one of Otto’s The diary has reportedly sold more
 former employees denounced him for than 31m copies in 67 languages. The
 having made unflattering remarks annual number of visitors to the Anne
 about the German military and asking Frank House in Amsterdam is
 that “the Jew Frank” be arrested; Otto approaching a million.
 paid Ahlers off and took the letter.11     But is audience all? Anne had to go
4     Otto paid Ahlers off again, though into hiding only because she was a
 not with money, in 1945, after returning Jew. She was betrayed only because
 from Auschwitz. By that time the Dutch she was a Jew. She was sent to her
 were arresting collaborators, and death only because she was a Jew. To
 Ahlers was picked up. Otto wrote to the soft-pedal her Jewishness is to deny
 authorities, telling them that Ahlers had the reality of her fate.
 helped him by giving him the12     Moreover, after arrest, Anne’s life
 denunciatory letter but not mentioning wasn’t uplifting or inspiring at all. A
 that he had paid Ahlers for it. witness who saw Anne and her sister,
5     Why did Otto do this? Because of Margot, in Bergen-Belsen described
 another hidden part of his life, Lee them as “two scrawny threadbare
 suggests. She contends that he was figures” who “looked like little birds”.
 afraid that Ahlers would divulge to the They contracted typhus and died soon
 Dutch authorities that he had done after.
 business with the Germans before13     Otto may have been right that, in his
 going into hiding. time, the world preferred an uplifting
6     Otto’s firm produced pectin, used in and a universal Anne. Clearly, as we
 making jam, and he apparently sold can see in Lee’s biography, he had
 some of it to the Germans. More than those preferences himself. One hopes,
 80 percent of Dutch firms did business though, that in the decades since
 with the Germans, and selling pectin Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz, during
 was neither important to the German which we have witnessed repeated
 war effort nor significant business. Still, genocides, we can stare such horror in
 it was business, and Lee argues that the eyes and recognize its face without
 Otto felt vulnerable on that account the need to universalize the victim or
 after the war. The letters Otto sent to transform the horror into consolation
 the authorities for Ahlers, Lee writes, and kitsch.
 “would ensure that Ahlers” - who knew The Washington Post

The Washington Post