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Vraag 5

Hieronder staan negen uitspraken. Bij elk van de commentaren uit de tekst "Model Behaviour" hoort één uitspraak.
Kies voor het beantwoorden van vraag 3 tot en met 7 steeds één van de onderstaande uitspraken. Let op: een uitspraak mag maar één keer gebruikt worden.

  1. All successful migrants should make it their duty to help other migrants who are eager to integrate.
  2. Becoming a valuable citizen is a process in which every migrant should be engaged.
  3. Migrants who work in hospitals or residential care should be rewarded for their contribution with full citizenship.
  4. The proposal with regard to citizenship adds to the difficulties faced by migrants who are willing to integrate.
  5. The economic benefits of migration should be used to help solve problems that migration may cause.
  6. The full cost of immigration will become clear when racial discrimination leads to social disintegration.
  7. The proposal with regard to citizenship appears to be based on a view of migrants as second-rate citizens.
  8. The state should provide for sufficient facilities for migrants to learn English.
  9. The vitality of a society should be measured by the number of integrated migrants.

Welke van de voorafgaande uitspraken is in overeenstemming met de inhoud van tekst C?



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Bijlage: Model behaviour Engels VWO 2013 2