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It's time you put your foor down, minister

If we can't kill speed with advertising, we can by criminalising it, writes Christian Wolmar

It's time you put your foot down, minister

1     No parent watching the road safety advertising    head of client services, identifies the following
 campaign featuring home videos of children35 widespread views that prevent speeding being
 killed by speeding motorists can fail to be moved. seen as socially unacceptable: it is considered to
 The very clumsiness of the videos, badly lit images be a minor offence; everyone thinks they are a
5 of children larking about or sitting quietly on a good driver; and, finally, the legislation is not
 sofa, makes them all the more painful. Today, the properly enforced.
 second phase begins, with radio advertisements540     To make speeding a more serious issue is to
 featuring the voices of relatives of those killed challenge the unrestricted right of motorists to use
 talking about their loss and stressing the need for their cars as they wish. But it would be effective.
10 more careful driving. There would be very little speeding if you lost your
2     But the very power of these advertisements licence every time. Or if you were fined £500 or
 raises a problem, for the campaign against spee-45 £1,000 for being 10 miles per hour over the limit.
 ding has run for five years and there have been 6     Widespread enforcement could be introduced.
 few signs of any impact. Drink driving, by con- Every time speed cameras are installed, the police
15 trast, has been drastically reduced thanks to a and ministers say this is only a way to prevent
 marked change in social acceptability stimulated  speeding and not to raise revenu. But why not?
 by effective advertising. The fundamental problem 50 Speed cameras cost £27,000 each. Why not turn
 is that we are all guilty. Everyone with a driver’s them on all the time, ensure that everyone caught
 licence has broken the speeding laws. It is,  is actually fined, and spend the money on installing
20 indeed, the likes of us who are still responsible for  yet more cameras? In short, if ministers really
 the vast majority of the 1,200 deaths each year - think that speeding is as serious as drink-driving,
 including 160 children - caused by excessive 55 then they have to criminalise it.
 speed, a third of those killed on the roads.7     In addition, there should be an invasion of
3     The failure of past campaigns led the Depart- traffic humps and other measures. Virtually the
25 ment of Transport’s new advertising agency, whole roads budget could be spent on this in an
 Abbott Mead Vickers, to give it all it’s got with its emergency programme that would transform
 innovative campaign. The shock treatment was60 streets in built-up areas.
 necessary “because drivers are very resistant.They8     Of course such moves would delight motorists -
 see accidents and crashes on telly all the time, and and that means most voters - as much as following
30 we had to break through people’s indifference.” a caravan up a windy mountain road. But at least
4     The difficulty for the campaigners is that many families would be spared the prospect of
 speeding is so deeply ingrained. It is part of the65 being asked for video footage of their dead chil-
 culture of using cars. Cilla Snowball, the agency’s dren for the next campaign.

'The Independent', May 14, 1996