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Service with a smile

Service with a smile

How do you get your employeesto care about their customers?
1     NAME a few companies that    that incentives for your front-line   80 business traveller's life.
 you love, or hate. For some50 employees do not produce good6     The culture of their employees
 people, such a list of winners and service on their own. Used-car has a lot to do with the success of
 losers will reflect the quality of the salesmen after all usually operate Asia's hotels. This plays into
5 companies' products. For others, a on commission; so do over-zealous another idea that some marketing
 clever advertising campaign or a shop assistants. And, even if the85  gurus now say is even more im-
 lousy environmental record. But55 incentives are right, they are no  portant than providing front-line
 when forging their opinions about a good if they are given to the wrong employees with customer databases
 company, nothing seems to stir people. In the airline business, and share options: choosing the
10 people's passions more than their flight attendants are often the most right people in the first place.
 dealings with its employees. visible employees, but many of the790      In a new book on service-
 Britain's Marks & Spencer and60 things that generate customer  industry management, The Service
 Hong Kong's Giordano, which  loyalty - such as flights that arrive Profit Chain, James Heskett, Earl
 regularly top surveys of customer on time, with your luggage aboard Sasser and Leonard Schlesinger of
15 attitudes in their respective markets,  - are beyond their control.  the Harvard Business School high-
 generally make higher returns than  95  light several companies that have
 their competitors.  found clever ways to hire the right
2     Helpful employees are, almost   people. Two approaches predomi-
 by definition, the key to success.   nate. The first is to find qualities
20  Sometimes technology helps. Cater-  shared by the best employees in
  pillar, an American bulldozer firm, 100 your firm, and then seek out those
 now installs diagnostic chips in all  with similar qualities. This borders
 its new machines, which alert local  on the obvious ' if you want to staff
 dealers, via satellite, if a machine is  a kindergarten, who wouldn't hire
25 in need of a new part; the dealer can  people who like children? - but the
 then visit the user with the new part 105 authors stress that employers should
 before the machine has even broken  look for attitudes rather than skills.
 down. Ritz Carlton has built up a  The former can seldom be taught;
 detailed database of customers' past  the latter can be instilled after
30  visits to its hotels, so that its front-  hiring.
  desk staff can anticipate a client's 8110     The other approach is far
 peculiarities, even if he has never   simpler, but requires more ingenu-
 stayed in that city before.5     Indeed, some critics think that  ity. That is to turn the tables and let
3     But high-tech tricks are rare. In65  the problem with incentive pro- the right kind of employees select
35 most cases, good customer service  grammes is that they tend to make you. Many good sports stores, for
 comes down to managing people.  companies focus on their employ-115 example, are staffed with eager
  Some airlines run employee incen-  ees rather than their customers.  youngsters who know the equip-
  tive schemes that rely on input from Forum, a Boston marketing consul-  ment better than the manufacturers
 customers: frequent fliers can award70 tancy, points to the success of  do. They are easily lured with em-
40 points to the best flight attendants. Asia's luxury hotels. These are  ployee discounts, and will explain,
 Incentives also work well when the often less high-tech than their120 with unbridled enthusiasm, the
 employee himself can capture part  western equivalents and their in- latest ways of risking one's neck.
 of the profit. In shops, for example,  centives systems are often minimal. Happy employees alone are not a
 an employee who is on commission75 But everything the hotel does - measure of success, but they make
45 is more likely to force a smile from from whisking a guest's bags up to for happy customers - and, as
 the most demanding customer than his room as he checks in to125 everyone knows, the customer is
 one who is not. ensuring a swift departure to catch always right.
4     But there is growing evidence a plane - is designed to ease a

‘The Economist’, July 12, 1997