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Goodnight Vietnam?

11     Every major war leaves its mark on public perceptions of science and technology.
2 The use of chemical weapons in the First World War shattered one generation's faith in
3 science. This faith was at least partially restored for the next by the Second World War,
4 when researchers came up with breakthroughs ranging from radar to computers. But
5 inflated confidence in technology was again punctured in Vietnam, when it became clear
6 that technological superiority was no longer a guarantee of military success.
27     Now perceptions of technology seem set for another major change. We can be
8 grateful that the Gulf War is over, and that fewer have died (on the allied side at least)
9 than if the conflict had been fought with more traditional weaponry. But we should not
10 forget that the war was won through a combination of technological superiority and
11 political muscle, nor allow emphasis on the first to obscure the role of the second.
312     We cannot afford to be swept away by what one US commentator has described as
13 'technophoria'. President George Bush has already described the Gulf War as having
14 'kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all'. A key factor has been the apparent
15 technological success of the US war machine. To describe the Gulf War purely in these
16 terms, however, is to invoke too much faith in the power of high technology, while drawing
17 a veil over the social and environmental costs of the conflict.
418     There are two areas in which we must be on the look-out for this technophoria. The
19 first is in the future division of the research and development (R&D) budget. Indeed,
20 military R&D spending could well go up, rather than down, as a result of a new passion
21 for expensive high-tech weaponry. A move in this direction could quickly eliminate the
22 chances of maintaining world peace.
523     Secondly, we need to resist demands from Third World countries - not only in the
24 Middle East - for sophisticated weapon systems based on the latest Western technology.
25 Impressed with the tools of war, these countries are likely to expand their orders. The
26 result can only be increased regional instabilities. A strictly policed international system of
27 controls on advanced military technology is essential to prevent this.
628     The Vietnam War did indeed provoke a crisis in technological self-confidence in the
29 US. But the heart-searching it provoked was timely, giving birth to a movement that raised
30 important questions about the way in which science and technology are used by society.
31 The offspring of this movement included both legislative landmarks such as the US
32 Environmental Protection Act, and institutional innovations such as Congress' Office of
33 Technology Assessment. The lesson of the Gulf conflict is that we need more such
34 attempts - not fewer - to ensure that our talent for technological innovation is not
35 overshadowed by our ability to use technology for destructive ends.
     from 'New Scientist', March 9, 1991