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Sir, Of course...

11 Sir,
2     Of course the best solution to the problem of species conservation is to conserve the
3 natural environment. However, the doubt about the future of so much natural
4 environment causes a problem. The Kenyans and others may not be able to support the
5 black rhinoceros into the far distant future; nor may other African states be able to
6 support their gorillas and chimpanzees and so on - and on and on. The gathering clouds of
7 human demographic catastrophe in so much of the world warn us that there are stormy
8 waters ahead of the ark.
29     Only a fool would venture into a strong ocean in a ship without a lifeboat.
10 Everybody hopes the lifeboat will never be needed - but all should be grateful that the
11 lifeboat is there.
312     It is obvious that we who run zoos are providing such lifeboats for the stormy years
13 ahead. Stick your heads up above the waves and look at what's coming.
14 Michael Brambell
15 Director, Chester Zoo
16 Chester
     from 'The Independent', April 9, 1991