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The Guardian, December 3, 1983

II  Spotting an unknown Benedictine prioress* on Victoria station would once have been a
 relatively easy matter. No longer. Even so distinguished a personage as Joan Chittister PhD
 (Psychology, Media and Communications), president of the American Benedictine Prioresses,
 delegate to the White House Religious Conference on Salt II, and outspoken voice of the American
5 Feminist, Peace, and Civil Rights movement, looks much like you or me. WeIl me, anyway.
 When I found her, a slightly crumpled figure in a red trouser suit, Sister laan seemed smaller
 than her reputation. At 47 she has short, slightly frosted, curly hair, the clearest of pale blue
 eyes, and enough human warmth to light peace candles all over the world.
 This first day of her tour was to have been a quiet one. A personal pilgrimage to Canterbury
10 before a frenetic round of debate - on American aggression, Holy Disobedience, and every aspect
 of Christian pacifism. Now it was gone, eaten up by fog, delayed flights, and missed connections.
 Tucked into every gap in her timetable were meetings and the only breathing space was the
 4.52 stopping train to Canterbury. Thus it came about that, as we jolted through the London
 suburbs and out along the Kentish coast, she explained, to the bemused ears of the homebound
15 15 commuters, her supra-national, supra-denominational mission, undertaken at the invitation of
 Catholics, Quakers, Unitarians, and all stages in between.
 But first we established the background. 'An only child ... entered the Order at 16 ... now
 Prioress of the Benedictine nuns of Eerie, Pennsylvania, and, in spite of what I have to say about
 our policies, an ardent American.' She is not quite a pacifist . 'I'd love to be but I just don't have •
20 the virtue. Grab me in an alley,' she says wryly, 'and I'll swing first and talk about it afterwards.'
 'I guess I'm here,' she said in answer to my question, 'because I am utterly convineed that the
 nuclear issue is a global issue . We all got the same stake in the survival of the planet and we all
 got to make our voices heard. And you in England, by putting those cruise missiles in the silos,
 are in the process of introducing a whole new level to the nuclear question, one from which there
25 is no retreat.'
 She adds, 'You people have to take the responsibility.' And if your conscience tells you that
 your democratically elected government is wrong - what then? 'Then you may have to follow
 the path of Holy Disobedience.'
 Having now come round to the belief that though there may still be lust Causes, there can no
30 longer be lust Wars, Joan has become an authority on Holy Disobedience. 'After World War II the
 philosopher Gertrude Stein said the most important thing for the Germans to learn was
 disobedience. Then in the early seventies an American found that West German youth was
 much less authoritarian than American youth. After that we got Milgram's studies which showed
 that between 66 and 85 per cent of the people taking part in a laboratory experiment were
35 willing to administer electric shocks, to the point where the subject apparently died, simply
 because an authority figure in a white coat told them it was right.' e
 Faced with the nuclear threat most of us feel too powerless even to contemplate the question.
 Not so the Prioress. Thus, when the American bishops failed to take a stand against nuclear arms
 in th eir pastoralletter, she pointed up their irrationality, chauvinism, and lack of moral
40 commitment: 'What is a woman to think,' she asked them, 'that when life is in the hands of a
 woman, to destroy it (by abortion) is always morally wrong; but when alllife on earth is in the
 hands of men, then the matter can be theologised.' She doesn't take credit for it, but when the
 second pastoralletter, War and Peace in a Nuclear Age, was published, the bishops had addressed
 themselves to every issue raised in her critique. "They have said there is no justification for
45 submitting the human race to the risk of nuclear war. Not even communism. Communism is
 simply apolitical system - the Russians, too, are the creation of God.'