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Children get sex lessons from soaps

Children get sex lessons from soaps

Ben Dowell

1    TWO THIRDS of children are getting their    video with too much sex in it. Yet only a third
 information about sex and relationships from of those switched it off. Although television
 soap operas and adult chat shows such as45 was a key source for information about sex,
 Jerry Springer’s, new research will reveal this two-thirds still said their mother was as
5 week. important in learning about the facts of life.
2    The two-year study, commissioned by6    What most startled the researchers was the
 broadcasters and regulators, found the shows knowhow of youngsters and the ease with
 were regarded as a “useful” source for the50 which they discussed subjects formerly
 “facts of life” by children aged 9 to 17. considered taboo for minors. A nine-year-old
10 Almost 80% of those questioned believed girl told researchers that exposure to sex and
 their parents underestimated their sexual marriage break-ups was “normal”, adding:
 knowledge, drawn from programmes such as “They are a part of society even if you don’t
 EastEnders and the Jerry Springer show, all of55 agree with them.”
 which are broadcast before 9pm.7     They also understood how the media might
315    While critics claim it is evidence of be manipulating them. For example, two 12-
 children getting a dysfunctional view of year-old girls told the researchers: “They use
 sexual relationships, the researchers argue it HIV storylines in soaps to get people
 is providing them with a better insight than60 interested just so they can make more
 sex-education classes at school. “Children money.” And many thought people “faked”
20 feel that schools don’t talk about the problems in order to appear on shows such as
 emotional complexities of the subject of sex Jerry Springer’s.
 and relationships, which television does,”8    The findings, however, confirmed the fears
 says a source close to the report, compiled by65 of some experts that children were being
 researchers at the Institute of Education, part introduced to sex at an increasingly younger
25 of the University of London. Teaching in age. John Beyer, director of the campaign
 schools is said to be “too narrow” and group Mediawatch, said: “At a time when the
 “moralistic”. government is trying to clamp down on
4     Susan Stranks, former presenter of the70 teenage pregnancy, too many programmes
 children’s show Magpie and a broadcasting have an obsession with all manner of sexual
30 campaigner, however, was concerned that perversion and I am not surprised to hear
 young children, particularly, could start to see children feel they know more about sex than
 troubled relationships as the norm. “My their parents.”
 concern is that programmes like The Jerry975    Zoë Ball, the former children’s television
 Springer Show present a distorted picture of presenter who has a three-year-old son, said
35 relationships as always being damaging and television’s impact could be overestimated. “I
 problematic.” don’t think that any amount of chat shows or
5    The study, to be published tomorrow, was soaps can replace what kids learn in the
 based on in-depth interviews and workshops80 playground from each other,” said Ball.
 with more than 800 children across England. “Their bodies change and life just takes over.”
40 It confirmed that the vast majority of children 
 - 89% - had a television in their bedroom. The Sunday Times
 Two-thirds said they had seen a programme or