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Capitalism: A Love Story

Xan Brooks

1     The bankrobbers caught on a security
 camera at the start of Capitalism: A Love
 Story are a forlorn and feeble bunch. We
 see a shabby old man in a Hawaiian shirt,
 and a 12-year-old boy wearing a
 balaclava. The real crooks, however, are
 the banking CEOs who recently got away
 with $700bn of public money.
2     Michael Moore's documentary drew
 tumultuous applause at the Venice film
 festival in 2009. The film shows that the
 real villain, of course, is capitalism itself.
 In America the top 1% of the population
 control 95% of the wealth.
3     Capitalism: A Love Story is by turns crude and sentimental, passionate and
 inspiring. It shows a simple moral universe inhabited by good little guys and evil big
 ones, and the force of its argument proves hard to resist.
4     Moore has done a fine job in finding out the human stories behind the headlines.
 None of these is so horrifyingly absurd as the tale of the privatised youth detention
 centre in Pennsylvania, run with the help of a crooked local judge, who railroaded kids
 through his court for a cut of the profits. Some 6,500 children were later found to have
 been wrongly convicted for such minor offences as smoking pot and "throwing a piece
 of steak at my mom's boyfriend". The subsequent bill for their imprisonment went
 directly to the taxpayer.
5     No doubt, Moore had concluded, well in advance of making this documentary, that
 capitalism is both un-Christian and un-American, an evil that deserves not regulation
 but elimination, but no matter. There is something energising - even moving - about
 the sight of him setting out to prove it all over again. Like a detective he gathers the
 evidence, takes witness statements from the victims and then starts harassing the
 guilty parties. "I need some advice!" Moore shouts to some hastening Wall Street
 trader who has just left his office. "Don't make any more movies!" the man shoots
 back. Moore chuckles at that, but the last laugh is his. This, more than any other, is
 the movie they will wish he had never embarked on., 2009