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Lift the ban, save the whale

11    It is time to take the first big step towards lifting the ban on commercial whaling. It
2 needs to be done this week - and offers the best hope of saving whales.
23    Many environmentalists privately support this apparent paradox. They admit, also in
4 private, that the scientific basis for the moratorium¹, which came into effect in 1986, has
5 collapsed. But few say it publicly, for the fight against whaling has achieved a symbolic and
6 emotional status far exceeding its ecological significance.
37    The bitterness of the dispute provoked by this difference between private belief and
8 public positioning is almost unprecedented, even in the hot-headed world of green
9 campaigning. The row over whether to accept a new system for calculating quotas for
10 killing whales, paving the way for the moratorium to be lifted, will come to a head
11 tomorrow when the International Whaling Commission (IWC), which regulates world
12 whaling, meets in Mexico.
413    Greenpeace, which helped to lead the campaign that originally won the ban, has
14 been bitterly attacked for suggesting in an internal document that it did not oppose
15 commercial whaling 'in principle': it hurriedly backed down. The World Wide Fund for
16 Nature and the International Fund for Animal Welfare have also had to undertake
17 damage-limitation exercises after being attacked for failing to voice total opposition to the
18 new quota.
519    And yet whaling is a relatively unimportant environmental issue. Green groups
20 know that it raises money. Politicians love it because it enables them to look good at no
21 cost. But whaling pales into insignificance beside such global threats as the greenhouse
22 effect, thinning of the ozone layer, felling of the world's forests and erosion of its topsoil - not
23 to speak of the predicted extinction over the next decade of a million species.
624    No one pretends, for instance, that minke whales, the only species at risk from
25 commercial hunting, are endangered. There are at least 800,000 of them, mainly in the seas
26 around Antarctica. Under the new quota proposals less than 2,500 would be killed each
27 year.
728    There are other reasons for protecting whales. Killing them is cruel: nearly a tenth
29 take more than 10 minutes to die. Whaling is also hard to control: Russia recently admitted
30 that its fleet killed more than twice as many whales as allowed by IWC quotas over several
31 decades, and slaughtered hundreds of protected blue, humpback and right whales in the
32 process. Whaling employs few people, yields only a luxury food and has to be heavily
33 subsidised. The giant creatures are worth much more alive than dead; whale-watching
34 tourism brings in more than £200m a year.
835    The moratorium was agreed, after centuries of slaughter which drove most species
36 close to extinction, because conservationists convinced the world that the methods used to
37 calculate quotas were unsound. It was supposed to hold until the IWC's scientific
38 committee had developed a better system. This has now been done. Dr Sidney Holt - one
39 of the longest-serving scientists on the committee who did much to bring about the
40 moratorium - says: 'Practically speaking, the original scientific justification is no longer
41 valid.'
942    If the new system is accepted in Mexico this week, the first step will be taken
43 towards lifting the ban. Paradoxically, this offers the best chance of saving whales. For it
44 will make it easier to get agreement on a proposal, put forward by conservationist nations
45 on the IWC, to make the Southern Ocean around Antarctica a sanctuary where all killing
46 would be permanently prohibited.
1047    Whatever happens in Mexico, the arguments will rage on, adding to the immense
48 amount of time, money and energy that has been spent-on this relatively minor
49 environmental issue over the past 15 years. If half of these resources had been diverted to
50 combating ecological crises that really do threaten the world, maybe it would already be a
51 safer place - for whales as well as people.

Geoffrey Lean in the 'Independent on Sunday', May 22, 1994

¹ moratorium: official agreement to stop a particular activity for some time