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First, change the culture

by Ian McKenzie, former policeman and lecturer in police studies at the Universities of
Exeter and Portsmouth

11    What is wrong with the police? Why do they so often bend the rules in a way that
2 leads to miscarriages of justice? Why is the public so distrustful of the police?
3 The answers lie in a police culture, a personality that police officers adopt when they
4 go to work. The main elements, according to Robert Reiner, professor of criminology at
5 the London School of Economics, are a sense of mission, a desire for action, a cynical view
6 of the criminal justice system (the police think it's too hard to get convictions) and a
7 pessimistic outlook based on the belief that villains never change and mostly get away
8 with it. There are other less important aspects of the culture: the police tend to be
9 conservative, macho, racially prejudiced and suspicious of outsiders. They also have a sense
10 of isolation from the wider community and strong solidarity with each other.
211    People are not, on the whole, like this before they become police officers. The job
12 creates the personality. It does so quickly, and the evidence suggests that commitment to
13 the police culture is most powerful when officers have spent 7-10 years in the force. 'We
14 are the professionals, we know best: is the prevailing attitude.
315    Last week's report of the inquiry into policing, commissioned by the Home Office
16 and chaired by Sir Patrick Sheehy, proposes ways of assaulting and submerging the police
17 culture. It wants to get them to toe the line by hitting their pockets. Sheehy believes that
18 this is the way to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
419    He is wrong. He and his colleagues have underestimated the power of the police
20 culture and show that they understand little about practical policing. Take, for example, the
21 proposal that officers should be put on short-term contracts. The aim, presumably, is to
22 eliminate those who show the 'wrong value system' and those who perform badly. The
23 purpose of abolishing annual pay increases is similar. But how are these judgements to be
24 made? What are the right 'performance indicators' for the police?
525    Quantification of activity, whether of arrests or convictions, is problematic. Does
26 volume count? How many drunks equal an armed robber? In any case, a large proportion
27 of police activity is nothing to do w.ith crime. In 25 years of policing I helped people who
28 had locked themselves out of cars and houses. I searched for and found missing children
29 and geriatrics; I administered first-aid; I tried (though failed) to rescue people from
30 burning buildings. I even once served as an off-street witness at a Register Office wedding.
631    So what are the best ways of managing the police and deciding which ones deserve
32 more pay, which deserve promotion and which deserve the sack?
733    First, senior management should be opened up to people who are not career police
34 officers, particularly from industry and commerce. Men and women from outside the force,
35 perhaps with law and management qualifications, would bring a link with the public and a
36 more critical eye, provided they had first had intensive training and education in policing,
37 as they do in Sweden.
838    Second, the lower supervisory ranks should be given more power to administer
39 discipline. Only if unacceptable behaviour is nipped in the bud will the worst parts of the
40 police culture be eliminated. And the added responsibility would go a long way towards
41 moving inspectors and sergeants from being 'one of the boys' to being proper managers of
42 police officers and police work.
943    Third, the police must find better ways of assessing performance and ability and thus
44 suitability for promotion. It is not true that, at present, promotion is only attained through
45 length of service. Nor is it true that promotion is based on the number of arrests an officer
46 makes. For many years senior ranks have been selected on their performance in
47 assessment centres, examining professional knowledge, psychological suitability and
48 management skills, in addition to their competence. These selection techniques should be
49 developed. A more radical solution, common in many US police departments, is to use
50 anonymous assessments made by peers and subordinates.
1051    The Sheehy report has some positive elements that will assist attempts already being
52 made to professionalise the police. Other parts of the report will not. The police may no
53 longer be able to claim they are a special case. But theirs is not just another job. It cannot
54 be treated as if it were part of an assembly line.

'The Independent', June 4, 1993