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Global warming hotheads…


Global warming hotheads would burn sceptics at the stake

 Mick Hume
1     The television advert about the apocalyptic dangers of climate change from the
 government-funded Carbon Trust is very shocking. It begins with an actor playing
 Robert Oppenheimer, “father of the A-bomb”. The portentous voiceover tells us: “One
 man has been where we all are today. When he saw what he had done, he said, ‘I am
 become the destroyer of worlds’ (cue shot of atomic explosion). Now we all have to face
 up to what we’ve done. Our climate is changing.”
2     To make us feel guilty about “what we have done”, we are shown cities, electricity
 pylons, personal computers and cars, followed by violent storms, huge waves and
 flooded towns. The message is that we are destroying the world through climate
 change, which has been brought about by modern industry and technology. So we must
 change the way we live and work in order to repent of our sins — or as they put it now,
 “reduce our emissions”.
3     What we ignorant laymen are rarely told is that there remain serious uncertainties
 about the extent and causes of climate change — as even some scientists working with
 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will quietly concede. Yet any expert
 who tries to raise such questions in public is treated with contempt.
4     When it comes to climate change, “sceptic” is a dirty word. Scientists who dissent
 from the strict orthodoxy on man-made global warming have been shouted down,
 labelled dupes of the US oil industry, even branded “climate change deniers” — a label
 with obvious historical connotations. Instead of taking up the sceptics’ case, the
 accepted response of our illiberal age is to yell: “You can’t say that!”
5     But is not scepticism crucial to scientific inquiry? Timothy Ball, a leading
 climatologist, says that those trying to test the theory of man-made climate change — “a
 normal course of action in any real scientific endeavour” — are now being “chastised for
 not being in agreement with some sort of scientific consensus, as if a worldwide poll of
 climate experts had been taken, and as if such a consensus would represent scientific
 fact. Nothing could be farther from the truth; science advances by questioning, probing
 and re-examining existing beliefs.”
6     We need to separate the science from the politics. Let the experts thrash out the
 evidence. But let them do so free from the pressures of a political climate in which
 human intervention is always seen as the problem rather than the solution, precaution is
 always privileged over risk and the worst possible outcome is always assumed to be the
 best bet. Perhaps those commanding us to “face up to what we have done” to the world
 might first face up to the dangers of reducing complex scientific issues to a simplistic
 political message, and presenting moralistic sermons as scientific laws. Whatever the
 true impact on the environment of burning fossil fuels, there seems a real risk of
 damaging the atmosphere of scientific inquiry by burning sceptics at the stake.