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So, Should You Buy a Diamond?


So, Should You Buy a Diamond?

1     Jewellers know the look, the shy    single working mine. The GAO said,
 mixture of hesitation and happiness with bureaucratic dryness, that such
 that crosses a man’s face when he figures were “not plausible”.
 buys an engagement ring. He wants5     The Kimberley Process has two
 this piece of clear carbon to embody loopholes that can’t be easily
 all the love he feels for his intended plugged. The first, as the U.S.
 and to represent the new life they’re report’s findings indicate, is that it
 embarking on. I felt it five years ago would be difficult to design a better
 when I became one of the 1.7 million tool for money laundering, arms
 American men who buy a diamond dealing and cross-border smuggling
 ring each year. Later, my engagement than a diamond - all that liquidity in
 unravelled and I began to think again such a tiny space. Diamonds can be
 about that ring and about the diamond bought with dirty money, moved
 trade that produced it. I realized across African borders with relative
 there were questions I should have ease, given false paperwork and then
 been asking about that diamond beyond sent onward to the trading centres of
 the carat size and the price. Europe.
 Primarily, should you even buy a6     The second is that Kimberley
 diamond? concerns itself only with nations that
  are in a state of war as defined by the
  United Nations. This essentially
  [Id:36925] all kinds of miserable deeds in
  places like Angola, which is still
  recovering from a grinding 30-year
  war and where murder and robbery
  are facets of daily life in the diamond
  fields. I was told that miners have
2     The answer depends on whom been gutted if they were suspected of
 you ask. The diamond trade would having swallowed a stone.
 say yes. Watchdog groups like Global7     The diamond industry deserves
 Witness would say no. Eight years credit, however, for taking the first
 ago, Global Witness produced steps toward ending the diamond-
 damning evidence of jewel-related related slaughter. And, yes, the gems
 slaughter in several African nations. can be used to build up a nation’s
 It caused an international scandal infrastructure rather than tear it
 and gave rise to a policing apart. While the nascent democracy
 mechanism called the Kimberley of Botswana does not have a
 Process, which requires diamond- diversified economy (65% of export
 exporting nations to seal their stones income comes from diamonds), its
 in a tamperproof container, with a calm political climate proves that
 document stating they were not these stones are not always corrosive
 mined in a war zone. to the places they come from.
3     Has this worked? To research my Namibia is taking steps toward
 book, The Heartless Stone, I creating a home-grown polishing
 travelled to Africa, where diamonds industry, adding a long-overdue
 are mined in conditions that range value-added layer to the extraction
 from the orderly to the horrific, and process. A sudden collapse of the
 found virtually no oversight of the diamond trade would spell disaster
 violence-prone alluvial-mining sites. for these countries and cause
 Many stones have made their way out starvation and chaos in other
 of the jungle and into suburban malls diamond zones in Africa.
 via somebody’s lower intestinal tract.8     It will not be a movie such as
 [id:36922] the diamonds are not smuggled Blood Diamond or even the
 or traded for guns, the wages for the Kimberley Process that determines
 miners can be outrageously unfair. I whether America’s favourite
 met a team of diggers in the Central gemstone can be purchased ethically.
 African Republic who were routinely That’s up to the consumers, who
 paid $200 for large-carat diamonds should insist that jewellers show
 that would easily retail for $40,000 them proof that their suppliers have
 in the U.S. a System of Warranties statement on
4     There is persuasive evidence that their invoices, demonstrating
 the supply chain is easily infiltrated. compliance with the Kimberley
 A September U.S. report1) said flatly, Process. Even if this doesn’t prove
 “U.S. control systems cannot help that a diamond is clean, it proves that
 deter illicit rough diamonds from customers care about the source of
 entering the legitimate trade.” their icons of love.
 Another disturbing finding: the U.S. 
 reported exporting more diamonds Tom Zoellner is the author of The
 than it received in 2003; [id:36923] trade Heartless Stone
 imbalance for a nation without a 

noot 1: from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)