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Turn off TV, girls - or risk early puberty

Turn off TV, girls - or risk early puberty

 Patrick Foster    
1    Watching too much television as a 
 child may trigger serious health problems 
 such as autism and obesity, and in girls 
 the early onset of puberty, a scientist has 
2    Writing in the journal Biologist, Research has shown that melatonin
 Dr Aric Sigman says that the average affects puberty in females more than
 six-year-old child in Britain will have males. “Animal studies have shown
 already spent a year watching that low melatonin levels have an
 television, and claims that the simple important role in promoting an early
 act of staring at a bright television onset of puberty,” Dr Sigman says.
 screen, regardless of a programme’s Girls have been reaching puberty
 content, can damage a child’s health. earlier since the 1950s, which previous
  research had blamed on an average
3    Dr Sigman identified 15 negative increase in female weight, but he
 effects that, he says, television can have claims that lower melatonin levels may
 on youngsters, ranging from shortsightedness be another cause.
 and diabetes to premature 
 puberty and autism. “Given the evidence,5    Dr Sigman, an esteemed member
 it would be sensible to cordon off the of the Institute of Biology and
 early years of child development as a time associate fellow of the British
 when screen media is excluded and then Psychological Society, says that
 introduced judiciously as the child watching television also damages sleep
 matures. To allow children to continue to patterns, causes over-eating and
 watch this much screen media is an increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
 abdication of parental responsibility. “Television may induce us to eat more
 Truly hands-off parenting,” he writes. [by] causing our brain to monitor
   external non-food cues -- the television
4    Dr Sigman’s report, which is based  screen -- as opposed to internal food
 on his analysis of 35 scientific studies, cues telling us that we have stuffed
 claims that television viewing affects ourselves and can stop eating.” Low
 levels of melatonin, a hormone linked attention spans and poor educational
 to when puberty occurs in girls. achievement could also be linked to
 Melatonin levels increase in the television viewing habits.
 evening, at the onset of darkness, but 
 staring into a bright screen during this 
 period hinders its production. The Times

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