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She takes care of the elderly and supports fat cats

Tekst 9

    Nowadays we are constantly asked to   
believe that market forces make the
world go round.
    It is made out that money is the main
reason people go to work and that all
other motives are secondary.
    Yet a moment’s thought should tell us
that if this were true we would all be in
    Many of the people upon whom we all
depend to take care of the sick, the
disabled or the elderly are very poorly
paid. Some carers are paid so little theysociety.
actually qualify for income support. Most    But privatisation usually means that
are women.public servants get paid less or work
    Their chief reason for going to worklonger hours. So that a percentage of the
each day is not money - even though thismoney (your money) meant for public
is important to them - but simpleservices can go to shareholders and fat
humanity.cats who see profitability as the only
    Now, all kinds of public services,measure of success.
including sheltered homes for the elderly,    It is, of course, politicians who have
are gradually being privatised.made this happen.
    We are told that privatisation will    Perhaps it’s time they were reminded
somehow improve the standard of workthat there are other forces quite as
provided by carers as well as other publicpowerful as the market.
servants who perform the many tasks    And that one of them is the ballot box.
that we think of as essential in a civilised