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Vraag 28

Oorspronkelijk kwamen de onderstaande drie alinea's na alinea 1 in the tekst (let op: ze staan hieronder in alfabetische volgorde):

  1. But several other studies yielded brighter findings. For example, researchers in Italy and China showed that moxibustion ­ a traditional Chinese practice that uses heat from burning herbs to stimulate acupuncture points ­ can help move a fetus into the proper position for a head-first delivery.
  2. Chinese herbs may hold similar promise for treating the chronic digestive trouble that afflicts up to one in five Americans. Still other papers reported that practicing yoga for two to three hours a week can ease the symptoms of `Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)'.
  3. Of the studies JAMA published last week, seven evaluated specific remedies, and three found no apparent benefits. At New York's St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, for example, researchers found that Garcinia cambogia, a popular herbal weight-loss remedy, was no more effective than a placebo. In another study, researchers found that chiropractic maneuvers were no better than simple massage for treating tension headaches.
In welke volgorde moeten deze alinea's in de oorspronkelijke tekst hebben gestaan?
Noteer de letters a, b en c in de juiste volgorde.



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