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Superwoman saves boy

Superwoman saves boy

1    Lisa Hodgkinson, 29, from       top of Luke and I somehow managed to
 Cheshire, saved the life of a sevenyear- push it off him. I still don't know how
 old boy after she found the I did it, I think nature just took over. He
 strength to free him from under a one- had stopped breathing, so I gave him
 ton car. The boy, Luke Archer, from the mouth-to-mouth. I then supported
 Manchester, was walking near his his head until the ambulance arrived."
 home, when he suddenly ran in front of3    Luke was taken to the Royal
 a BMW 318. The boy got under the Manchester Children's hospital, where
 front wheels of         he underwent a
 the car, which five-hour
 shocked the operation. He
 driver so much had broken both
 that he was arms and a leg,
 unable to take and had lots of
 his foot off the cuts and bruises
 brake. all over his
2    Lisa had left body. He could
 work to buy a leave hospital
 sandwich when after a couple of
   she saw the accident. She immediately          weeks and the doctors expect him to
 rushed over to help the badly injured make a full recovery.
 school boy. She said: "The car was on