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I was mugged



     search you.' As they checked my trouser
  pockets I was rooted to the spot with fear. I
  thought: 'Ray and Rob, come out NOW!' I
  wished that a car would drive past but there
  didn't seem to be any around. The men finally
  realised I was telling the truth, so they left,
  without saying a word. I picked up all my stuff
  and my friends finally came down. As soon as
  I saw them, I told them what had happened.
  At first they thought I was joking, but then
  they saw how upset I was.
 4    By the time we arrived at school, Ray had
  convinced me to go to our headmaster. He did
  most of the talking because I was still in
  shock. The headmaster was really nice and
1    "Every morning I go to school with my 
 friends Ray and Rob, they are twin brothers. 
 They only live 10 minutes away from my 
 house. That morning was the same as usual. I 
 rang the bell to let them know I was there. 
 They were late, so I waited outside for them. called my mum. We went to the police station,
 But then something awful happened. Two where a policewoman took my statement. She
 men walked right up to me. One of them made me go through everything again and
 asked if he could borrow my mobile. But when again, which was hard. I had to describe the
 I said I didn't have one, he suddenly got two men too.
 nasty. He was saying stuff like 'You liar. All5    We have now moved away from the area
 you kids have phones. We're gonna check if where we used to live and I go to school by
 it's true what you say.' bus now. I've heard that the men who mugged
2    Then they both grabbed my school bag me have been tracked down. They've been
 and dropped it on to the floor. I was feeling sentenced to six months in jail, which makes
 really frightened now - too scared to even go me feel a lot safer.
 back to my friends' door and ring the bell6    I still don't have a mobile. But what
 again for help. They emptied all my stuff out happened hasn't put me off getting one when
 on the floor and found a 20-pound note. My I'm older. If one of my friends has a mobile, I
 dad's birthday was coming up and I had been tell them to be careful - to keep it hidden
 saving to buy him a really nice present. One away and never flash it around in public."
 man put it into his pocket. I just stood there - I 
 couldn't believe this was happening to me. Mizz
3    Then the other man said: 'We're going to