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A great escape

Matthew recovering in hospital


1    Yesterday Matthew Scott, a 19-year-   3    He managed to reach an Indian
 old British tourist, escaped from his village where he was rescued by an army
 kidnappers in a Colombian jungle. unit. Matthew added: "The villagers gave
 Matthew was kidnapped with another Brit, me some soup and beans with a little salt
 Mark Henderson, 31, and six foreign and three oranges. Those are the only
 tourists 12 days earlier. They had been things I've eaten these past few days.
 with a group which travelled from the The kidnappers weren't giving us any
 Caribbean coast into the mountains of food."
 Colombia. The kidnappers burst into their4    News of his amazing safe return was
 huts during the night and took them greeted with joy by his family back in
 hostage at gunpoint. Britain. Matthew's mum Kate, who spoke
2    Brave Matthew Scott escaped by to him by phone, said: "We are absolutely
 sliding down a mountainside as his thrilled. We hear he's now recovering in
 kidnappers marched him along a hospital. He only has some cuts and
 mountain ridge with the other hostages. bruises. We just hope that we will soon
 Matthew said: "We were walking in a line hear that the rest of the hostages are free
 with the kidnappers. It was raining in the too."
 mountains and we couldn't see a thing. 
 I quickly slipped down the mountain. I'm 
 lucky I didn't break my legs."