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I survived a fairground horror crash.


A day out at the fair ended in terror for 14-year-old Rita Palmieri from Marlow.
Here is her chilling story:

1    “The fairground came to   5    Suddenly the ride
 Maidenhead, near where started to go down again.
 I live. I’ve always loved The lower carriages hit the
 fairground rides, so one ground with a bang. One
 Saturday I went along with boy broke his leg and
 my mates Jessica and started screaming in agony
 Rosie. We went on the - it was awful. Fairground
 Waltzer, a ride that spins so workers started removing
 fast it pushes you against the barriers so we could
 the wall. We were talking get out. As soon as they
 about how funny it was took my barrier away I
 when we were looking jumped off my seat and
 sideways at each other and ran. I had to get away from
 our faces were being pulled the ride.
 back by the speed. So we 
 were laughing as we walked6    The police took our
 over to the Hellraiser ride. personal details and the paramedics arrived
  to look after those injured. Luckily my
2    The Hellraiser looked scary because it friends and I were fine, apart from being
 went fast and tilted sideways. We sat in a shaken up and covered in oil. We washed
 carriage for four and pulled the safety the oil off in the toilets and then we sat on
 barriers over our shoulders. The ride started the grass and talked about what had
 slowly, but got faster and faster. I had my happened, which calmed us down.
 hands in the air and Josie called my name, 
 so I smiled over at her.7    Two hours later, I made myself go on
  one of the other rides. I was nervous but I
3    Suddenly there was a huge whooshing wanted to get my confidence back. Rosie
 noise and the ride slammed to a halt. I hit and I got on a slow ride and held hands.
 my head on the safety barrier and saw what When it finished safely, I was so relieved.
 looked like confetti falling around me. I Now I don’t believe any more that funfair
 realised all the coloured lights on the ride rides are safe, but the accident hasn’t put
 had broken and the confetti was actually me off. I still go on a ride if I get the chance.
 splinters of glass. My view is ‘Let’s jump on it!’- as long
  as it’s safe.”
4    We were left hanging in the air facing 

From left to right: Jill, Rosie, Jessica and Rita.
 the ground - it was terrifying! Our legs were 
 hanging down and I tried to work out how I 
 could land safely if we would fall. 
 Everywhere people were screaming. It was 
 chaos. Then a greasy substance began 
 leaking from somewhere above us. It was 
 hydraulic oil and it landed all over our 
 clothes. It didn’t smell but it was horrible and 
