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Boy's confessions!


Embarrassed? Even boys can’t hide their red-cheeked moments!
Bum deal
“A couple of my mates are well into
skateboarding. I’d never given it a try
but one day they persuaded me to
have a go. Naturally, it’s not as easy
as it looks and after a couple of
seconds of rolling along happily I was
on my bum in the road. Somehow I
managed to rip a hole in the back of
my trousers and had to go home with
my bruised backside hanging out.
Pete, 15, Bristol
It’s a knockout
“I finally took courage to talk to a girl
I’d liked for ages. I was chatting away
to her on the way out of college, when
one of my friends called out from
behind me, asking me to wait for him.
As I turned round to answer, I
accidentally smacked the girl round the
head with my bag - great pulling
Rob, 16, Swansea
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