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To be a policeman

Russell Mellis is 17 and lives in London. When
he’s 18 he will start training to be a policeman in
the Metropolitan Police Service¹.


1    “I’VE wanted to be a policeman all my life.    watching the way they get people through traffic
 When I left school at 16 I joined the without any fuss. It’s amazing. They get an awful
 Metropolitan Police, not as a policeman of lot of respect.”
 course, but in the Civil Staff². At first 
 the officers and colleagues tried to make fun5    Last year Russell was attacked in the street.
 of me all the time, but nothing heavy. You are “After that there was a time when I didn’t want to
 soon just part of the team.” Although all his go out in case I was mugged again. But the
 colleagues are older than he is, Russell feels Police Service taught me to look after myself.”
 there’s no problem with his age. He is not afraid of anything now and knows what
  to do in difficult situations.
2    He tries to spend some time at different police 
 stations, to learn as much as he can. Russell has6    He has saved someone’s life and has helped
 learned self-defence, first aid, human rights - people out of serious traffic accidents. He even
 even survival techniques. He knows what to broke up a fight between some of the meanest
 expect when he’s 18. “I did try a part-time job in a men he has ever seen. And he was not on duty
 garden centre,” he jokes, “but it wasn’t exciting at all! So, what’s the secret?
 7    “You must treat everyone the way you want to
3    His mates who stayed on at school have now be treated. Police Officers just see the bad side
 mostly dropped out and they still don’t know of London. But 99 people in 100 want to help
 what to do with themselves. “They are driving you out. It’s the one bad guy you have to watch
 round in old bangers while I have got a good job out for. I know I have made the right decision for
 with good money and a brand new Aprillia my future - I don’t want to do anything else.”
 RS250 (the coolest Italian motorbike in the 
 world). Now they all want to join the police!” For more information about careers with the
  Metropolitan Police Service check out our
4    Motorbikes are a big part of Russell’s life. “I like website
 the friendship of bikers and it’s the same feeling 
 I get in the police force. I really admire The ‘CosmoGIRL!’
 Special Escort Group Motorcyclists. I like

¹ de Londense politie
² een soort stadswacht