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Non-stick footballers slip tackles

Non-stick footballers¹ slip tackles

    2    It became clear before the game
  that something had been done to the
  shirts. But the referee, who had never
  come across such a problem before,
  allowed the game to go ahead.
 3 Football authorities in the State
  Colorado will remove Loveland High
  School from the competition if they do
  not punish the players who are
1    A school football team in the United4    Bert Borgmann of Loveland High
 States has been caught spraying their School said he found out that the
 shirts with non-stick spray. The players students had used an aerosol spray of
 of Loveland High School in Colorado non-stick cooking fat. But he believed
 wanted to make themselves harder to that the non-stick shirts didn't play a
 tackle by making their shirts slippery and part in the victory of the team, as they
 difficult to hold. were already a highly-rated team.

¹ Met ‘football’ wordt in de US bedoeld ‘American football’