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Wearing trousers

1    A head teacher has been accused of   3    Mr Brian Gardiner, head of the
 discrimination because he has refused school said: “If the girls want to stay
 to allow girl pupils to wear trousers. A warm they can wear tights. Skirts look
 group of fifth-formers was sent home for better on girls. A lot of the girls who wear
 breaking the ..skirts-only’ rule for girls at trousers do not look tidy. Trousers can
 Cleeve School in Gloucestershire. be part of the uniform, but only for boys.
2    One of the protesters, Kerrie George,4    Our uniform is quite clearly defined -
 15, said: “At this time of year the I don’t think we would allow boys to wear
 weather is freezing. Skirts don’t offer skirts. If parents want their daughters to
 much protection. All we want is to be wear trousers they should send them
 allowed black trousers during the winter elsewhere.”
 months. We’re not against school 
 uniforms, we just want to be treated the ‘The Weekly Telegraph’
 same as boys.”