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Earrings got stuck


By a correspondent

1    A 14-year-old girl from Cambridge,    
 Rebecca Avis, had to undergo an opera- 
 tion because the two earrings she was 
 wearing as nose studs got stuck in her 
 nostrils. The earrings, which looked like 
 studs, were fixed by magnetic backs. 
2    Rebecca got into difficulties when 
 she put one earring on each nostril to 
 make it look as if she had a pierced 
 nose. When she took them away, the 
 backs inside her nostrils shot together operations may have been cancelled be-
 because of the magnetic force and cause of her”.
 disappeared up her nose.4    Joanne, who runs a beauty salon
3    First she went to the doctor but he that pierces ears, but not noses said:
 couldn't do anything and then she was “It’s all Rebecca’s fault because there is
 sent to a hospital in Cambridge. There a clear warning on the label”. The £ 3.50
 they also failed to remove the studs, so a earrings, with a flower design, were
 short operation was carried out. After the bought from a shop in Cambridge. They
 operation Rebecca's mother Joanne Avis are imported from the United States and
 criticized her daughter for wasting hospital carry a warning saying ‘for use in ears
 time. Joanne said: “I’m just angry as other only’.