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Mum was on the 99th floor of the WTC


Somalia's story

1 Tuesday September 11 had started like any    dress was torn and her hair was white from
 other day. But when I got to my school, the ash. With thousands of other people
 about 30 minutes away from where I live she had walked across Brooklyn Bridge to
 in Brooklyn, I realised that something where we live.
 was wrong.4 Later she told us how she was having
 In class, just after 9am, the teacher made coffee at her desk when the first plane hit
 an announcement. the first tower. A colleague burst into the
 "The World Trade Centre blew up," she office screaming the news. Mum immediately
 said. She didn't say how, or why. She started to make her way down the 99 flights
 wasn't panicking, but the students were in of emergency stairs. When she reached the
 total shock. 44th floor, about 15 minutes later, the
2 My whole body started shaking with whole building began to tremble and there
 fear. My mum worked for an insurance was an enormous crash.
 company on the 99th floor of the second5 That's when the second plane smashed into
 tower, so she was there! My teacher sent the 79th floor of her building. People were
 me to the headmaster's office. I started screaming and praying as they were running
 calling home, but I couldn't get through. I down the stairs. When mum reached the
 tried again and again, but when I finally got ground floor she began running for her life
 through no one answered the phone. through the terrible mess. There was a
 CNN (the US News channel) was on in blanket of grey smoke over the city.
 the school hall and I watched in horror as6 My mum survived the attack and I feel
 they replayed scenes of the plane flying blessed, but 200 of my mum's colleagues
 into the tower where my mother worked. All died on September 11. Our lives have
 I could think about was that my mum was changed. Every time my mum goes out
 trapped inside. I knew she wasn't a fast somewhere she tells my sisters and me
 runner - and what if she couldn't escape? how much she loves us. She has
3 With my aunt and grandmother I waited completely lost her appetite and has been
 for news about mum. It took hours and getting some therapy. It will take a long
 hours but finally mum came home. I just time for her to get over it.
 cried because I was so happy! She was But I thank God every day that my mother
 limping and she had lost her shoes. Her is still alive.
Somalia and her mother
The World Trade Centre on
September 11, 2001
