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1    McDonald's is trying out a plan that   3    David Fairhurst, of McDonald's UK,
 allows employees to share their job said: "A lot of our staff wanted more
 with others. The Family Contract flexibility. Many are students at college
 allows husbands, wives, grandparents and they have very different term
 and children over 16 to job-share and hours and holiday hours.
 swap shifts without notifying the Many older staff have children and
 management. The first family to sign prefer to work during school hours. So
 up were Rita Cross, 42, and her two we decided to offer our personnel
 daughters Laura, 18, and Natalie, 16, flexibility in a family context."
 in Cardiff. Rita said the main McDonald's, which has 67,000 staff in
 advantage of the arrangement was its 1,250 British restaurants, said they
 flexibility. "We get up in the morning hope that flexible working will help to
 and decide which of us really wants to reduce the number of sick days in
 go to work," she said. "I'd love my future.
 husband to join up too, so that we can4    Neil Gouldson, a law expert, said
 all plan our work and family life as one contracts like this could be
 unit." troublesome. “Instead of training one
2    Under the contract, which is the family member, companies will have to
 first of its kind in Britain, each worker train every member who has signed
 clocks on and is paid separately the contract. This is extremely
 through his or her own bank account. expensive and there’s a danger that
 It is being tried in six cities around training will be incomplete and service
 Britain. If the scheme proves levels could drop as a result.” He also
 successful, McDonald's says it will said that the engaging of new
 expand it to include friends and personnel would become more
 extended family such as cousins and complicated. “Interviewing an entire
 grandparents. family will take a lot of time,” Gouldson