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Schoolboy Helps

 Schoolboy Helps
1    A quick-thinking schoolboy from Bolton, Leon Yates (12) helped police jail
 a serial burglar. As a fan of crimesolving TV series like CSI Miami, Leon knew
 exactly what to do, when on his way home from school, he spotted a hooded man
 acting suspiciously outside his neighbour's house.
2    Leon had seen the suspect drinking lemonade before
 the break-in and when he saw the empty can lying in the street outside he
 swept it into a plastic bag without touching it. He handed it to the police
 along with a detailed description of the offender. DNA tests later unmasked
 the intruder as a serial burglar and he was sent to prison.
3    Chief Inspector Paul Hitchin said: “It was an absolutely superb bit of
 detective work. It led directly to the arrest of a man who had been
 convicted of 50 previous offences in the same neighbourhood, most of
 which were theft or burglary. Leon will receive an award from the Greater
 Manchester Police for his key role in solving the crime.” It's not surprising
 that Leon said he has set his heart on a career in the police force!