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Police Ask Crooks for Advice

 Police Ask Crooks for Advice
1    A police force has hired twelve skilful burglars to give crime-prevention
 tips. Hertfordshire Police are using the robbers, who have committed thousands
 of break-ins, as part of a project aimed at cutting down the number of burglaries.
 The crooks, who are called ‘security consultants’, should give advice on how
 householders can avoid being visited by criminals.
2    In order to be accepted for the project the twelve had
 to admit all their crimes, not use any drugs and they have to be at home at
 a fixed time. In return their prison sentences have been postponed for six
 months. If they keep their promises, they will avoid jail altogether and be
 given community sentences instead.
3    But politician Ann Widdecombe said: “A five-year-old child could tell them it
 would be a good idea not to leave your doors and windows open.”