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Rescued at Sea

Rescued at Sea

1    “As a parent, my dad is pretty cool - he’s really sporty and especially loves
 outdoor activities. And he’s totally obsessed with surfing. On a windy weekend
 Dad, Mum, my younger sister Erin and I went to Cornwall as it was one of Dad’s
 favourite places. We were all so excited - two whole days of surfing! On the first
 day there, surfing! On the first day there, Erin came down with a bug.
 Mum stayed behind in our rented cottage to look after her, so Dad and I had
 to go to the surf beaches alone.
2    It was so tiring! As a beginner, I spent more time in the water than on my board
 and after an hour, I was exhausted. Plus the tide had turned and the waves
 seemed to be getting bigger and rougher. Then, out of nowhere, a huge wave
 came at us. Dad had told me to hold on tight but, as it hit me, I panicked and let
3    The current was very strong and when another wave hit us we both went under.
 We were swept into a narrow gap in the cliff. That’s when I knew we were in
 trouble. How were we going to get out? Inside the gap was a ledge¹. My dad
 helped me climb onto it while he clung to the rocks below. Dad tried to reassure
 me but I could tell that he was really scared too.
4    We were there for over an hour when suddenly we spotted a boat in the distance.
 Dad started to wave his arms in the air, shouting for help. We were so relieved to
 see it was a lifeboat. When we hadn’t returned, Mum had gone looking for us on
 the beach and when she didn’t see us she’d alerted the coastguard.
5    One of the lifeguards steered the boat towards the ledge and told me to jump in.
 I was exhausted and when I jumped, I didn’t make it. As I disappeared under the
 surface, I felt an arm grab me and pull me upwards. It was Dad, shoving me into
 the boat before climbing in himself.
6    The crew wrapped us in blankets and raced towards the shore where an
 ambulance was waiting to take us to hospital. We were kept in overnight but the
 next day we could go home. If it hadn’t been for the lifeboat crew, we’d never have
 survived. We owe them so much and can never thank them enough.”

INFO: stick to beaches patrolled by lifeguards and only swim between the red-and-
yellow flags. If you see someone in trouble, alert a lifeguard, or dial 999 or 112 and ask
for the coastguard.

noot 1 ledge = randje/richel