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Vraag 23

Nadia wil graag in contact komen met een leuke, maar verlegen jongen uit haar klas.
Ze krijgt advies hoe ze dat moet aanpakken.

Schrijf twee tips op.

The problem: How can I
tell if he likes me or not?

“I fancy a boy in my year. My
friends tell me he likes me
and looks at me in class. I’ve
seen him do it, but I’m not
sure because he avoids me
and hasn’t said a word to me
in the past year. I don’t
understand. He often sticks
up for me during lessons but
he has never said, ‘Hi’.
What’s his game?”

- Nadia, 16, Kent -

It sounds as if he likes you but is
too shy to make a move ? or
even talk to you, come to that!
Are you brave enough to break
the ice? Next time he sticks up
for you, why not seek him out
after class and thank him, then
before he has a chance to go
bright red, talk to him about
something he’s interested in ?
you’ll have to do some research
in advance. It will give you an
idea of what boys have to go
through all the time!