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Vraag 16

Geef aan welke beweringen over Colin Smith juist en welke onjuist zijn.
Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage.

  1. Hij mag van de politie nooit meer zelf rijden.
  2. Hij had zijn rijbewijs vergeten.
  3. Hij reed in een aangepaste auto.
  4. Hij werd aangehouden omdat hij te hard reed.

Man with no arms
carries on driving

A New Zealand man with no arms who
was accused of dangerous driving will be
allowed to remain behind the wheel after
police dropped charges against him.
   Colin Smith, 31, who was born without
arms, will be required to drive a modified
car in future.
   He argued that he had driven for years
using one foot to steer and the other to
work the accelerator and brake pedals.
   A police officer stopped him for
speeding near the North Island city of
Tauranga in March and was amazed to
discover him reclined in his seat, driving
with his feet.