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Vraag 31

Op een chatsite staat de volgende stelling:
Playing violent videogames like Grand Theft Auto en Bully can make you care less about violence in real life. True or not?
Wie vindt dat computerspelletjes geweld uitlokken?

I find that when you play violent games it gives you the chance to place your anger on the game, so you feel calmer.
Richard, 14, Stockport

Adults just think we are stupid and can’t tell what’s real and what’s not! It annoys me.
Ben, 15, Torquay

I think Grand Theft Auto 3 is a bit of harmless fun. Some adults think that after playing GTA3 we are going to go out and start crime. I think GTA3 is a great game and soooo much fun!
Becky, 16, Birmingham

Kids ain’t stupid. They ain’t gonna be so thick that they copy things out of violent games. People who do copy these things need help and that means that it’s obvious that most kids (not all) are sensible with stuff like this.
Amanda, 15, Preston

I don’t understand how anyone would want to play violent computer games. They inspire young people to start getting into crime. And why on earth people think that a violent game will keep them calm I just can’t understand.
Laura, 14, Stubbington

I love violent games because if I have had a stressful day I can take it out on the games and you figure out that you shouldn’t do violent things in real life.
Ed, 16, Hadleigh