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Vraag 30

Zijn de onderstaande beweringen ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ volgens het artikel?
Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage.

  1. Jack’s ouders reden in een Nissan Figaro.
  2. Jack kon zelf de auto van zijn ouders starten.
  3. Jack had nog nooit eerder met een computer gewerkt.
  4. De eigenaar van de roze Nissan Figaro zette de auto opnieuw te koop.

Bought a car on eBay

A three-year-old boy from Lincoln used his mother’s computer to buy a £8,999 car on the internet auction site eBay. Jack Neal’s parents discovered their son’s successful bid when they received a congratulations message from the website about a Barbie-pink Nissan Figaro.
Rachel, 36, said:”We didn’t understand what was happening. Neither of us had bought anything. So we checked and saw it was a Barbie-pink car which we had bought for £8,999. We flew into a panic!” Mrs Neal thought she had left her eBay password in her computer. “Jack is a real whizz on the PC and had probably pressed all the right buttons.”
Her husband John, 37, called the owner of the car and explained the mistake. “Luckily he saw the funny side and said he would re-advertise,” Mrs Neal added. The car, which has a 1 litre turbo-charged engine, is available on eBay at a starting price of £7,999.