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Vraag 3

Twins - but a school year apart

Mr and Mrs Caldwell with Lexus and Amber
One newborn twin sister may be only 45 minutes older than the other but she is already a year ahead – a school year, that is, as they were born either side of midnight. Lexus was born at 11.40pm on August 31. Amber followed by Caesarean section at 0.25am on September 1. But their parents are determined to keep the girls together – even if it means moving abroad. “How could I keep one at home and send one to school? My family live in Spain and they have a different academic year – we'd rather move out there than split up the twins. Doing everything together is what being a twin is all about,” said their mother Sarah.

Geef bij elke bewering aan of die juist of onjuist is volgens de tekst.
  1. Amber is 45 minuten ouder dan haar zusje Lexus.
  2. De twee zusjes Caldwell mogen niet bij elkaar in de klas.
  3. De familie van mevrouw Caldwell woont in Spanje.
  4. Mevrouw Caldwell vindt het niet goed dat tweelingen altijd alles samen doen.