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Vraag 21

Singing in the shower?

Australians may want to be happy, but they shouldn’t start singing in the shower. EnergyAustralia, one of the country’s largest electricity suppliers, says singing in the bathroom adds an extra 9.08 minutes to a normal scrub.
Singing, daydreaming, shaving and other ‘non-essential activities’ in the shower are adding to the average family’s power bills and also contributing to global warming, it says.
The shower has become the latest target for energy saving ideas. “You use enough electricity during one minute of showering to run your television for four hours,” said Paul Myors, the company’s energy saving expert. “If the average family cut their daily showers by two minutes they would save just over $100 (£40) a year.”

Geef bij elke bewering aan of die juist is of onjuist volgens de tekst.
  1. Een douchebeurt waarbij gezongen wordt, duurt ongeveer negen minuten.
  2. Scheren onder de douche zorgt voor een hogere energierekening.
  3. TV-kijken kost meer stroom per minuut dan douchen.
  4. Het is beter om niet elke dag te douchen.