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Vraag 2


Pete Wentz’s
height in CDs
A Fall Out Boy-size pile of CDs
could be yours just for counting
the number of mini Petes hidden
throughout this issue. Easy peasy!
At 5ft 7, rock-star Pete Wentz isn’t
exactly tall, but take it from
CosmoGIRL, if you turn him into a
pile of CDs he looks flippin’ huge!
   Such a pile could be yours in our special
Music Issue competition. All you have to do is
tell us correctly how many mini Pete Wentz
pictures we’ve hidden throughout the issue.
   Send your answers along with your name
and address to: Give Me A Pete Wentz-Size
Pile Of CDs, CosmoGIRL! 72 Broadwick
Street, London W1F9EP by 12 November
2009. Usual competition rules apply, see
page 88 for details.

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Wat moet je doen om een stapel CD’s te winnen?