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Down's syndrome

"Down's syndrome won't hold me back"

Meet Mared, who has Down's syndrome. Unlike many with this condition, she hasn't been to a
special school, but has followed her friends through mainstream school. We interviewed her and also
had a chat with her friends about what it's like to share a classroom with someone who has Down's.

1    Mared's view    disability has never    

Ceri, Caryl, Mared, Gwenda, Maria
 "I'd always known I had been a big thing. 
 Down's syndrome but it was at When I was in 
 primary school that I first primary school I 
 realised there was something guessed there was 
 different about me. I'd find it something a bit 
 hard to understand what the different about her. 
 teacher was saying as she was My mum explained 
 talking too quickly. The other all about Down's 
 children didn't seem to have this syndrome. But I 
 problem, so I had a special don't really think of 
 helper. her in those terms. 
2    "Although I need extra She's just Mared, 
 help, I've never felt inferior, and my friend." 
 luckily I haven't experienced too6    Gwenda: "I met 
 much prejudice. Occasionally, I'll Mared in the first year and I was having Mared as a friend?
 get some unkind remarks, but a bit nervous at first but that Maria: "Unlike lots of people,
 people like that aren't worth didn't last long. Getting to know Mared isn't so bothered about
 bothering about. I feel normal, Mared has just made me realise outward appearances.
 so why should I let people treat we're all a bit different in our Sometimes I'll be going on
 me badly? own way." about how awful I look, and
3    "Some people might think I  Mared will be like 'So what?'"
 should have gone to a special7    Does the fact that Mared has10    Caryl: "Her dry sense of
 school, but I probably wouldn't Down's syndrome cause any humour, definitely. Mared may
 have achieved what I have here. problems? be a little slower in picking up
 I passed exams in eight subjects. Gwenda: "Sometimes Mared lessons, but it doesn't mean
 Of course, my family and friends gets taken advantage of. She's she's not quick-witted.
 were really pleased for me, but I extremely generous. The other Sometimes we'll be chatting and
 couldn't believe what a big deal day we caught some people then she'll pick up on something
 it would be to others. I've been getting her to buy them cans of silly that one of us has said or
 in a few newspapers and I've drink. We tried to explain to her she'll come out with something
 even been on TV! that sometimes people aren't as that none of us would dare to
4    "I don't think I'm that nice as they should be." say. We'll all be screaming with
 special, but it would be nice if8    Maria: "Although Mared gets laughter."
 other Down's syndrome people included in most of our plans, if11    Gwenda: "Mared might be
 could look at me and go out and we're going to town at night, she handicapped, but that doesn't
 do the things that they want. The generally doesn't come. That's stop her from being a very
 best advice I can give to them is because it's quite new for all of warm-hearted friend. My mum
 to try your best. And if that us - we've just started properly died a year ago and I was
 doesn't work, just think positive going out. We'd have to keep an dreading telling Mared as I didn't
 and try something else." eye on her, in case she drank know how she'd react. I needn't
  something too alcoholic. That's have worried. When I came into
5    What do Mared's the only real disadvantage to school she put her arms around
 friends think? having Mared as a friend - me and said how sorry she was.
 What were your first having to feel responsible She was very strong, and really
 impressions of Mared? sometimes." there for me, just like a good
 Ceri: "As I've known Mared  friend should be."
 since the age of three, her9    What's the best thing about

"MIZZ", January 17, 1996