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Teen Machine has interviewed Jonathan Taylor Thomas on
his leading role in the film Tom and Huck, based on the
book The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

1    Tom and Huck is an unforget-    also a demanding shoot, not   
 table tale of growing up in rural only for the stunts Jonathan
 Missouri. The story centres does, but also because he's in
 around Jonathan's character almost every single frame of the
 Tom Sawyer, who's a good kid film. And finally, Jonathan felt
 at heart although he longs to be the pressure of bringing to life
 free of school, duties and res- Tom Sawyer, one of the most
 ponsibility until he's forced to famous boys in American
 make a life-or-death choice. literature.
2    "The character is very interest-5    Just as Tom Sawyer is a giant
 ing and has so many different in American literature, so is his
 sides to him," explains Jonathan best buddy Huckleberry Finn.
 about Tom. "Of course, it does Their friendship is central to the
 take place in 1845, so Tom's not movie and the story. You see,
 real, real educated," he says. Huck is the town's homeless kid
 "We tried to hit on that with the - his father's an alcoholic and
 language he uses." But despite he lives as he pleases down by
 Tom's impatience with formal the Mississippi River. All the
 education, he's very creative adults in town look down on
 when he wants to cut class or Huck, but all the kids think he's
 get out of his duties. "Tom's very cool because he doesn't have to
 clever and he's always thinking go to school or church and is
 and planning out his next move. never punished.
 That's his trademark - how6    When Jonathan's character
 clever and sneaky he is." Tom isn't fooling around with
3    Tom's carefree boyhood Huck, he's chasing the new girl
 comes to an abrupt halt when at school, Becky Thatcher. Her
 he and his friend Huckleberry refusal to be caught by Tom
 Finn witness a murder as they're keeps him interested throughout
 exploring the local graveyard. the story. And, their "engage-
 The pair swear never to tell ment" kiss is one of the film's
 anyone what they saw. That is sweetest moments.
 until the wrong man is about to7    So, how did Jonathan like
 be hanged for the crime while a doing his first on-screen kiss? "I
 murderer goes free. was nervous," says Jonathan
4    For Jonathan, the filming of with a laugh. "It was not some-
 Tom and Huck was a consider- thing I'm comfortable with but it
 able challenge. First, as the only was an important part of the
 "name" star in the film, it's a very story so you've got to do it. In
 important movie for his career. the end, it's just like doing any
 Physically, Tom and Huck was scene and it went fine."
'Teen Machine', April 1996